Thursday, August 7, 2008

Terror is Alive and Well in the USA

It seems that many Americans has placed the evil acts of 9-11 on the shelf. Some of think that it was a conspiracy by our own government to kill over 3000 American and foreign nationals in New York City, Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania. Others argued that our aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan has isolated terrorist plots against the American homeland. And still a few maintain new laws and government agencies has reduced domestic terrorism. Regardless, of ones thoughts in the USA on this issue terrorism is alive and well.

Senator Joe Lieberman announced yesterday that six major terrorist threats had been discovered and thwarted. Some included American natives who had converted to Islam while others represented newer immigrants who had become naturalized American citizens. The plans ranged from attacking soft targets like churches and shopping malls to suicide assaults against American troops stationed overseas. The would be terrorist represented uneducated and educated, White, Latino and African-Americans, and rural and urban dweller. The point is, regardless what we do to educate people about the evils of terrorism domestic hatred towards our own government is here to stay.

But, we should not be surprised. In the past 20 years terrorist have worked hard to gain a foot hole in the United States. Groups like Hamas has influenced members of the Saudi monarch to support terrorist activities against the USA. In addition, many in the King's house has aligned with Latin American cartels in Columbia and Mexico to train Al-Queda in western thought and Spanish to help their merger into the United States. It has also been reported that these same individuals and groups pay cartels and international street syndicates like MS-13 $5,000 a head for coyote transport across the border. If this is not bad enough we have racist groups like the New Black Panther Party and Ku Klux Klan who has made overtures to Muslim terrorist as allies in their fight against Washington.

The sad part in this entire debate is that neither presidential candidates has taken the time and energy to discuss this vital issue at length. In fact, they have not even made a definitive statement of the two border agents who have been convicted and sentenced for the shooting of a drug runner and terrorist operative who attempted to cross the border illegally. Yes, terrorism is alive and well--ask Americans who live along the USA-Mexican border.

1 comment:

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

The terror organizations are just waiting for us to become complacent again. They will strike as soon as they feel they can. As we can see by these thwarted attempts, terrorists are here and willing to sacrifice themselves to hurt us.

We need to keep this type of news in front of people's eyes or we'll have another 9/11.