Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Little Sammy: A Man of Strength

Sammy Davis, Jr., also known as Little Sammy and Pappa, helped to lay the foundation for racial diversity, racial political activism, and racial dignity in 20th century America. Born in Harlem, New York to an African-American father and Puerto Rican mother who both where entertainers, Sammy was taught the skills of hardwork, dedication, and love of craft and self. In a colorful career that spanned over fifty years he illustrated that he was one of America's greatest performers. However, he was also a great spokesperson of Black rights and Americanism.

In 1943 he was drafted into the United States Army. Being from Harlem, the cultural Black capital of the world, he was not accustomed to discrimination and blatant racism. A true New Yorker, he used his wit and fists to battle the bigotry that he met in Uncle Sam's Army. His smarts allowed him to neutralize race haters more than his boxing skills. In the military he wrote and acted in plays that made his military associates think about the negatives of Jim Crow America while being entertained with great singing, dancing and acting. When he left the military he continued in the entertainment business appearing on Broadway, in Hollywood, and night clubs throughout the nation. However, there was one role that stuck in his mind and encouraged him to achieve for himself, race and country. That was his star performance in "Rufus Jones for President (1933)." Sammy plays a little boy who fell asleep on his mother's (Ethel Waters) lap and dreams that he is elected president. In a strange way the role illustrates Sammy's view of America--that is, every and anything is possible.

Sammy's move towards that "anything" model and America's concept of cultural pluralism represented itself when he made the revolutionary move in the late 1950s to convert Judaism. In this period, even in cultural liberal Harlem, an African-American accepting the traditional brand of Judaism was unheard of. His conversion caused him to lose many fans, potential contracts and friends. In fact, one of the few people who stood with him and supported his decision was Frank Sinatra.

Davis, also believed in political activism and empowerment. In his career Sammy supported the work of Charles Hamilton Houston and Thurgood Marshall in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's legal argument against American apartheid. He also endorsed Congressman Adam Clayton Powell of New York; and the leadership of Coleman Young as the mayor of Detroit. However, one of his more visible stands was supporting the candidacy of John F. Kennedy for the presidency of the United States. He was excited with the young Kennedy and thrilled when he was elected. However, in his quest to show that America was ready to accept the Black man he was deeply hurt by the actions and racism of the newly elected president. Working so hard for Kennedy's election Davis naturally expected an invitation to the Presidential Inaugural Ball. But, the Kennedy's snubbed the Black entertainer by saying an invitation to Davis would be too controversial and it could negate white southern support to the new administration. Kennedy's actions deeply hurt Davis and it stayed with him until his death in 1990.

However, only a few knew how deeply Sammy was offended by President Kennedy. The actor-singer, always spoke highly of the Kennedy's and never spoke openly about the event. He continued singing and supporting Black causes. He supported the work of Martin Luther King by giving thousands of dollars to the movement while also explaining the right of self-determinism to white associates. He spoke proudly of Shirley Chisholm's run for the democrats presidential nomination and openly condemned South Africa's racial policies of apartheid by refusing to perform in the racist state. Other activities included his anti-war stance; but his support of American troops. He was one of very few anti-war entertainers who traveled to Vietnam to sing for American soldiers. In this light he also went to Canada to interview and entertain draft dodgers.

Sammy Davis, Jr., was indeed a man of strength. His quiet support of civil rights, American integrity, and humanitarian causes made Davis one of the greatest men toi have been born in the United States.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

McCain Credits Bush For Drop In Oil Price

A few days ago Senator John McCain, GOP candidate for the Oval Office, credited the drop in oil price to President Bush's decision to allow offshore drilling. Keeping in tune with the campaign season and his chief rival, Senator Barack Obama, Democratic candidate, who opposes drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf, McCain argued that Obama wants us to stay depended on Middle Eastern oil. But, regardless of where McCain or Obama stand is on this issue the drop of oil prices is the result of Arab fear of American ingenuity, creativity, and anger of Arabic manipulation of oil.

The oil barons of the Middle East, West Africa and South America realized a few days ago that Americans have decided not to be pushed and manipulated any longer in reference to petroleum. The consumption of oil last month in the United States dropped to almost half of the previous month. American scientist and businessmen are answering the call of the public to quickly find new sources of energy and to cultivate and use the oil supplies that are located off our coast. In addition, our cultural dependency of oil is changing right before our eyes. For instance, we are driving less, and when we do drive we're obeying the speed limit; we're are gradually becoming a walking community again; bicycles are in fashion--it is common now to see men in suits and business ladies riding bikes to work; public transportation is being used more in places like Orlando, Tampa, and Denver; while automobile companies are discarding gas hogs for fuel efficient cars. In light of this our Arab friends have decided to throw us the bone of temporary cheaper gas. But it's too late.

One thing about Americans is that we don't crumble and crack under pressure. Our history has demonstrated that we'll ride out the storm while also producing the necessary items or laws that will ultimately protect our culture and way of life. Like Malcolm X stated, "the cream always rises to the top."

The United States, the greatest nation in the history of mankind, has decided to rekindle the independence, the drive, and the positive arrogance--"that we can do it better than anyone else," to once again lead the world toward productivity. On this tip the Revolution or Change that is being employed by Obama and McCain is really the thesis of the American people. That is, a Change back to independence, strength, and progressivism.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pickens Is Talking the Right Talk

The United States is handcuffed by international oil companies and nations. Our citizens for the first time in history are choosing between buying gas or medicine, food, and shelter. It is time that we find a real solution to our energy problem.

T. Boone Pickens, the billionaire oil man from Texas has found a way to change our culture of dependency on international oil. He argues that we must begin to use other sources for energy. His thesis rest on the fact that the United States imports over 70% of its oil that comes to $300 million yearly. His strategy is that we tap into wind power. But, while we explore and develop this source we must continue to dig for more oil supplies, build nuclear energy plants, and explore and produce bio-fuels.

Mr. Pickens is a true patriot who's only objective is to make the United States independent again. He is a friend of both President George Bush and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. He is pleading with the leaders of both the Republicans and Democrats to stop the childish partisan fight and begin to solve the energy problem that is destroying our nation.

T. Boone Picken's has the right plan and the right talk. For greater clarification on his radically new plan visit

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Michael Savage: Greedy Doctors and Autism

Last night, July 22, 2008, Michael Savage, conservative talk show host, created a firestorm when he said that 99 percent of autism cases are issues that deal with spoiled brats who have not been told to stop the act. He argued that many of these kids live in homes without fathers who could control these children and are basically running roughshod over mothers. Continuing, Savage concluded that greedy doctors and makers of medicine deliberately over diagnose children and adults as autistic to peddle drugs.

Many parents of autistic children along with several autistic organizations viewed Savage comments as being mean spirited, hateful, bigoted and over the top. But, Savage the ever ready entertainer and debater challenge anyone in his 82 million listening audience to debate him on the merits of his argument and to show that there is a definitive medical way to treat autistic people.

Savage is an old school hard line critic. He is rough, bullish and often cold blooded truthful. What he really was saying is that the medical community is often too quick to label children and adults as autistic. This rush to medicate has turned millions of Americans into zombies. Instead, of old fashioned natural aids like exercise, fresh foods, and strict discipline to these individuals we have fallen prey to the slogan, "more medicine is better."

The same issue is the case of children being labelled as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In the last twenty years there has been a disproportionate number of elementary and high school boys being diagnosed with these illnesses. Female teachers overwhelmingly do not understand that boys and girls learn differently. Thus, while a girl may sit still and mannerly; boys are more apt to talk, move, touch things and generally play. But, it does not mean that they are not learning or that they cannot learn. They must be treated differently. That is, boys are not dysfunctional girls.

Unfortunately, female teachers along with simplistic doctors influence single mothers to medicate fully functional and normal boys. Again, Savage is only saying that too many Americans are falling victim to the medical cartel that is designed to make money from illnesses, real or imagined. We must get back to common sense and rational reality. That is, everything cannot be solved with a pill. Thus, while Savage statements rode the fence of insensitivity--his comments must be taken seriously.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Tom--Stop Begging

My morning ritual goes something like this--fixing breakfast and lunch for my six year old son, getting washed and dressed, and the two of us getting into the car en route to summer camp or school. In the car I turn on the radio to listen to the famed Tom Joyner Show, the fly jock formerly of Chicago. I enjoy the old school music that features the greats of Motown and the extreme liberal dialogue that is sprinkled with more conspiracy theories than fact. Nonetheless, it's a nice way to get the day started. However, last week Tom Joyner shocked me into seeing him and the show as a desperate group of 21st century slaves.

What happened? Well, it was announced that Belgium based beer brewer InBev had purchased Anheuser-Busch, Inc. for $52 billion dollars. The new company, Anheuser-Busch InBev has now become the largest beer brewers in the world. The news completely stunned Tom Joyner like most of us. Really, Busch beer is as American as baseball and apple pie. The sell was almost un-American. For the average American it was worst than the selling of the Chrysler Building to the Arab investment group Abu Dhabi for $800 million dollars.

But Tom's disappointment sounded hopeless, spineless, and slave like. The on air conversation sounded something like this. Sybil, one of the co-host on the show reports on the sell. Tom responded, "what about the amusement parks?" The cost cutting giant has already announced that they will sell the 11 amusement parks that are currently owned and operated by the Busch corporation. Tom, now really desperate frantically asked, "what about scholarships to Historically Black Colleges and Universities?" Sybil says, "I don't know about that." Tom continues, "perhaps we should call them and let them know about us." The point is that he is begging.

Leaders don't beg. Instead, they should have a B plan for such issues. There are other companies that value the legacy and tradition of Black higher education. Surely, one or more will pick up the slack. More so, Tom and his associates should talk about organizing of the millions of affluent African-Americans, and organizations to lay new financial measures to support Black students. Indeed, what is wrong with African-Americans supporting Black institutions and students? But, I know that it is very difficult for Tom and his friends to think independently while being financed or co-opted by such corporations like Walmart, Disney World and Anheuser-Busch. Come on Tom--stop begging and get a backbone.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cynthia McKinney: The Weird One Seeks The Presidency

Former six term congressperson from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney, somehow convinced Green Party Delegates at their convention in Chicago to nominate her as their candidate for the General Election. In past years, the Green Party has supported career candidate Ralph Nader. But, McKinney to represent the party is just crazy or better yet weird.

Let's look at Cynthia McKinney's political activity in the last eight years. First, she attempted to get Congressional support to look into the murder of hip hop gangsta rap star Tupac Shakir. Her argument was that he was a popular and important figure. Well, sister-girl, A. Philip Randolph, Harry T. Moore, Paul Robeson and Claude Barnett are popular and important historical figures--not Tupac. Secondly, she attacked Congressional Police Officer Paul McKenna because he did not recognize her as being a member of Congress. What happened, is that she attempted to enter The Longworth House Office Building without her Congressional Lapel Badge in display. The officer asked her several times to stop when the former congressperson walked away after she bypassed the metal detectors. Ultimately, the officer had to grab her arm; she responded by attacking him with closed fist. Later she apologized for her actions--but, did not take responsibility for the affair. Rather, she passed it off as part of elaborate Bush-Jewish conspiracy to destroy her. Thirdly, in the days after the terrorist attack on New York--the 9/11 affair. She wrote a letter to Saudi Prince Alwaleed asking him to give her the $10 million dollar check that New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani refused for the reconstruction of the Big Apple. The letter begged the supporter of terrorist prince for the bag of gold to help poor Black Americans in their quest to be free and equal. Well, all McKinney had to do, if she was sincere, ask a few of the multi-millionaire Black rap stars that she likes to forgo a few pieces of their bling, cars, and lavish trips to donate $10 million dollars that she requested. But, instead she reduced her role as a congressional leader to a dog sniffing for pieces of discarded garbage. In addition, it must be noted that the Prince later gave $100 million to the terrorist group Hamas for activities in Israel, England and the United States. The fourth point--is that she aligned with some of the most racist and anti-American domestic groups one could find. For instance, Malik Zulu Shabazz, head of the New Black Panther Party, became an informal adviser to the Georgian politician. Plus, members of the Nation of Islam campaigned for her while granting her protection. Indeed, Cynthia know how pick friends and associates.

Cynthia McKinney is a wild and loose canon. Her politics is based on confrontation, hostility and arrogance. Her principles are divisive that does not align with the Green Party's doctrine on Peace, Universal Health Care, Election Reform, Corporate Globalization, Alternative Energy, Election Reform and decent living wages for Americans. It is very difficult to understand how the Green Party can go from Nader to McKinney. That is one weird move.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tony Snow: One Class Act

Today we buried a great American. A man who inspired, informed and held an unbending swagger on core issues of God, nation, morality, and conservatism. The person I am writing about is Tony Snow who fought a great fight against colon cancer; but ultimately lost to that unmerciful killer.

I met Tony Snow a few years ago when he hosted a conservative talk show on Fox. He informed me that he had read my book, "Inside the Nation of Islam," and that it was an important manuscript that should be brought to the attention of the American public. Shortly after our conversation his show booked me for an interview.

What I most remembered about the show was that Tony Snow was a cool, smart fellow who presented pointed and tough questions. That is, regardless of your political views, status or persona he saw his job as being a tough interviewer so that the television audience could get the most out of the topic and the guest.

For instance, before being named as the White House Press Secretary in April 2006, he gave the Bush administration pure hell. He critiqued, exposed contradictions, and constantly backed White House leaders into a corner where they were forced to explain their positions. He did the same with me, Malik Shabazz (Head of the New Black Panther Party), and Democrats. Friends and foe received the same treatment.

It is painful to see decent people make the ultimate transition in the prime of their life. But sometimes it is God's way of telling them and us that they have fought the good fight and heaven is pleased with their effort. Tony, you are a class act that will be missed. However, I am sure that you're lining up interviews with Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad. Until we meet again--my friend, stay the course.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

McCain: You Gotta Admire His Toughness

Senator John McCain, Republican presidential candidate is one tough guy. I am not talking about his years as a POW in Vietnam, nor his diligence to run again for the GOP nomination after losing to George Bush four years ago or his resiliency to stay the course for this year's pick when he looked like a sure loser a few months ago. I am talking about facing the oldest, strongest and baddest civil rights organization in the nation, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Wednesday afternoon in Cincinnati, Senator McCain accepted the Association's challenge/invitation from Julian Bond to face the organization's loyalist at their national convention. The audience--a pro Obama crowd, heavily democrat, and haters of Bush and everything Republican was ready to pounce on the seemingly defenseless Senator McCain. But, in a move that silenced the most loyal Obama supporter McCain had the mass audience listening intensely to every word that uttered from his mouth. When not classroom listening they applauded, laughed, and occasionally stood up voicing their approval. But, what exactly did this old crafty political wizard say?

First, he disarmed the crowd by apologizing in not accepting the Association's invitation last year by broadly explaining the problems he had with his campaign at that time. Secondly, he praised Senator Obama as an "impressive" man who has "inspired a great many Americans, some of whom had wrongly believed that a political campaign could hold no purpose or meaning for them." Thirdly, he promised, if elected, to expand opportunities for African-Americans. Fourthly, spoke passionately about education reforms. And lastly, stated that Obama makes all Americans proud and that we rejoice in his success; but, jokingly added, that he'll "prefer his success not continue as long as he [Obama] hopes."

At this point, he laid out his differences from Senator Obama's plans for the nation. McCain said that there are fundamental disagreements on issues of the economy and the growth of the country. But again, in a brilliant move he stated to the partisan group, even if "I don't get your vote," he needs their "goodwill and counsel."

Many in audience left with a new found impression and respect for Senator McCain. Some stated, "he's open minded and people-oriented." Others remarked, that they will begin to pay more attention to the GOP candidate.

It is a sure bet that the NAACP will not endorse Senator McCain and that the majority of their members will vote for Senator Obama in the general election. But, you must take your hat off to John McCain. He walked into the lion's den and left with his head still attached to his neck. Say what you want--but, McCain is one tough dude.

Black Family Reunions: Its a Tradition

The cultural history of African-Americans has been damaged by negative images and views that define the Black story as a narrative of victim hood, dis functional families, and gang bangers. Contrary to what is told and promoted there are more positive and great stories of the sojourn of Black Americans than the retold illustrations of despair, sadness, and hopelessness. One of the great topics of victory is the development of Black Family Reunions.

Organized African-American Family Reunions can be traced back to June 19th, 1865 when Major General Gordan Granger of the Union announced in Galveston, Texas that slavery had ended. Granger's presentation came two and one-half years after President Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation executive order that called for the end of the peculiar institution. The problem with the order is that the Confederate States of America did not recognize the decree since they had defined themselves as a separate nation and that the Union did not have the military power in Texas to enforce the 1863 order.

In 1865 things were completely different. One General Lee of the Confederate Army had surrendered in April of that year. Secondly, Granger arrived in Texas with a commanding force that could enforce the order.

In light of this--African-Americans saw themselves as truly freed people. Thus, in mass they left their prisons of plantation and servant life to test their new found freedom. But, what did early freedom mean to many of the newly freed former slaves? Simply, it meant family reunions.

By the thousands African-Americans traveled the South and the North looking for spouses, children and other kin that where separated by rules of the slave institution that defined them as property who could be sold and transported without any consciousness of human value and respect. When former slaves found relatives they celebrated, rejoiced and spiritually communed in a defined manner that illustrated a rebirth of the family and community.

Today, between the months of May and August African-Americas celebrate a true cultural experience that commemorates the end of slavery, the reconnection of family, and the rebirth and new birth of African and African-American traditional roots.

A few days ago I had the pleasure of witnessing my first family reunion. The experience was offered by a friend who's family (The David-Williams clan) spreads primarily through the states of Florida, Georgia and sprinkles in selected areas of Washington, D.C., New Jersey and New York.

In a three day span the family ate, danced and told stories about relatives, those who have died and others who are alive, in a festive manner that reinforced the special bond that they had. What I saw, was not just a gathering; but, a commitment to keep the bloodline and traditions alive.

The tradition was not just an African-American affair; but one that is alive and well in Africa and the African diaspora. For instance, in my travels I saw similar type of activities in North and West Africa, England and France, the Caribbean and Central America, and South America.

The greatest element of what I saw and experienced was the reinforcement of the positive. That is, the love of God, family and nation and quest to achieve personal and spiritual success. Plus, it was a delightful and special respect for the family and the leaders that it had produced. I am happy and glad for the continued growth of African-American Family Reunions. Therefore, do not be surprised if I show up at your Reunion. Don't ask--who I am? Just pass the potato salad and call me cuz.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rev. Jackson: Did You Forget About 1984?

In 1984 Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., head of PUSH (People United To Save Humanity) and disciple of the late Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King,decided to run for the Democrats presidential nomination. The campaign was a magnificent show of race solidarity, class and ethnic unity. However, in a course of minutes in New York City Rev. Jackson's words destroyed a promising run for the White House. Speaking to a group of reporters off the record he referred to New York City as Hymie town. When asked about his comment, the good Reverend flatly denied making the statement. However, he was pushed to tell the truth by Black reporter Milton Coleman of the "Washington Post."

While he eventually apologized for the Hymie town Jewish slur--he openly stated that Jews had "conspired to destroy his candidacy." With this opening came Jackson's religious buddy Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam who had traveled a year earlier with Jackson to Syria to secure the release of down air force pilot Lt. Robert Goodman. Minister Farrakhan, the ever ready fire brand, defended Jackson by warning Jews: "If you harm this brother [Jackson] it will be last one you harm." For Milton Coleman, he said, "one day soon we will punish you with death." Adding, this is what civilized nations do to traitors.

Although the Hymie town episode created media and public excitement it removed Jackson as a serious candidate for the presidency of the United States. Therefore, with this history one would think that the senior Jackson would have learned his lesson. But, sometimes old dogs are just too stubborn and stupid to comprehend lessons.

During a break in a television interview a couple of days ago Rev. Jackson made a ugly and hostile comment about Democrat hopeful Barrack Obama. First, he accused the candidate of speaking "down to Black people." Thinking that the microphone was turned off, he added: "The moral message [that Obama should speak on] must be a much broader message. What we need really is racial justice and urban policy and jobs and health care. There is a range of issues on the menu." Apparently, frustrated by Obama's position and presentation, Jackson concluded, "I want to cut his nuts out." Also, believing that Obama is out of touch with underclass Black urban culture Jackson childed Obama about speaking negatively about Black rap life to predominantly white audiences.

The problem is that Jackson, like many Black leaders like Louis Farrakhan, Eric Dyson, and Cornell West, worship and glorify negative hip hop culture and gangsta rap. On this issue, Obama calls for moral responsibility, conservative actions, and public decency.

To the credit of Jackson, however, he called the Senator's office and sent a letter of apology. At least, this time, he did not lie about what he said. On a sidebar to the controversy is Rev. Jackson's standing with his son, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. The Congressman brutally and openly condemned his father's statement by saying: "[He] is my dad and I'll always love him. He should know how hard that I've worked for the last year and a half as a national co-chair of Barack Obama's presidential campaign. So, I thoroughly reject and repudiate his ugly rhetoric. The remarks like those uttered on Fox by Rev. Jackson do not advance the campaign's cause of building a more perfect Union."

It appears that there are cracks in the relationship between father and son. But, whatever the case among the Jackson family the senior spokesman comments illustrated a disregard of decency while promoting another line of unnecessary bigotry. Rev. Jackson--you did not remember 1984.

Slavery: The Sudan and Now, Haiti

In 1995 I went to The Sudan to investigate rumors and allegations of slavery. My journey to the African republic was stunning, sad, and harsh. I saw a Muslim state that respected Arab and Islamic culture more so than the value of human life. The Arab leadership attacked, massacred and enslaved survivors in the name of Islam and Allah. When my story, along with others, who decided to see modern slavery first hand, reported what we saw. American leadership voiced either indifference or disbelief. In fact, I remember a writer calling me a victim used by whites and Jews to attack Islam and Africa. Sadly, not one major leader at that time, President Bill Clinton, Congressman Charles Rangels, or Rev. Jesse Jackson, said a word about the destruction and slavery of Black life in The Sudan.

Today, 13 years later we have an eerily similar story in present day Haiti. In Haiti the first Black republic in the western hemisphere fought for the eradication of slavery and achieved a sense of self-determinism in 1804; the date of Haiti's independence. Now, after 200 years of freedom Haiti can sadly report that it is the home of over 300,000 child slaves. And, we can announce again in the United States, not one major political, social, or religious leader or organization has condemned Haiti's institution of slavery.

But, how is it that slavery exist in present day Haiti? It is very similar to the 24 million people who are enslaved globally. That is, in poor nations families often give their children away in hope for a better lifestyle for both the victim and their blood relatives. For instance, the majority of Haiti's slaves are children who originate from poor rural villages. Parents, literally, sell or give their children to "middle-class" families that live in the metropolitans of Port-au-Prince, Jacmel or Les Cayes. The idea is that these city people will educate and care for their new slave or restaveks, as they are called in Haiti.

These children who often start their service at the age of 3 years are mistreated, brutalized, and occasionally killed. They are common sights in the cities wearing ragged clothes, being feeble and malnourished while begging for food in the streets. Far too often--they are seen dying or dead on the streets from sever beatings or when abandoned by families.

But, can't the government stop the treatment? Yes, but in a strange way it's an evil tradition of the republic. The restaveks system has been around since 1804 while the current Haitian National Labor Code legalizes the practice as long as slaves are not younger than 12 years old.

Regardless, if it is legal or not it is a brutal system that must be destroyed. Children are treated worst than chattel. For example, they are beaten ed with cowhide whips, gang rapped, and murdered without remorse. Let's take the story of a boy named Rene. He testified that strikes from the whip lifted the skin and formed horrific blisters. Adding, that he was forced to knell on a bed of hot rocks while holding two large stones in each hand high above his head.

Naki, a 13 year old girl stated that her master constantly rapped her. He allowed his sons and friends to gang rape her. She said, crying, that they finished the job by rubbing hot peppers in her crotch.

Now, while the two major presidential candidates, Obama and McCain, campaign for the oval office it would be good to hear both say something of this issue. Really, if they can talk about human rights abuses in China, North Korea and Iran; they surely can say something about child slavery in the Caribbean. Well, if they don't--let's hear from the so called great voices of justice--Activist Al Sharpton, Rev. T.D. Jakes, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Former Attorney General of Ohio Kenneth Blackwell, Talk Show Host Tom Joyner, and Analyst Tavis Smilley to name a few.

If the above mentioned leaders can't speak on this topic--what about voices from the Haitian-American community? Perhaps, slavery in Haiti is like the peculiar institution in The Sudan. That is, both groups are poor, uneducated, their nations has little to offer the global community, and they are viewed as obsolete isolated people. The reality--Haiti is the new Sudan.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Philadelphia, Ilinois: America's Town

This weekend we celebrate the birth of the greatest nation on earth. In spite of record gas prices, rampant foreclosures, and the increase in the unemployment rate--the United States has the greatest culture and society that world has ever known. One of the reasons is the American way of confronting tough times and creating new avenues towards success. One of the best examples is Free Frank McWorter and the town of New Philadelphia, Illinois.

Free Frank McWorter, the founder of New Philadelphia, was born a slave in South Carolina, later he was moved to Kentucky where his master allowed him to work outside the slave industry in saltpeter mines. In this extra employment McWorter saved over $800 which he used to purchase the freedom of his wife and later himself. In 1831 he left the slave state of Kentucky to move to Illinois where he purchased 80 acres and platted the land into 144 lots which he sold to White, Black, and Native Americans. The site ultimately became known as New Philadelphia, the first incorporated African-American town in the United States.

New Philadelphia, the new city of brotherly love, became one of the most important communities in Illinois for over 50 years. The town's decline came in 1869 when the Hannibal & Naples Railroad bypassed New Philadelphia, pushing development to the village of Barry three miles to the west. However, the importance of the community rest with Free Frank McWorter.

Free Frank was a visionary. Despite the issues of slavery, race prejudice, and slave raiders; Free Frank forged an American dream. That is, a place that illustrated the potential growth and success of a pluralist society. In New Philadelphia--intermarriage was accepted; entrepreneurship was encouraged; and the American creed of hard work, protection of family, love of God and nation was expected.

Free Frank--a great American knew that scores of bigots did not like his work and town. But, he viewed these critics and beast as members of the unmoral minority. Thus, as we celebrate and reflect on our nation's birthday--let's have a historical check on the success of our past and on the work of Free Frank McWorter, the founder of America's Town. For additional information check out my work on New Philadelphia as the Director of the Archaeological Dig at the University of Illinois at Springfield; and Dr. Juliet Walker's book, "Free Frank."