Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good Show Mate: Biden vs. Palin

I've just finished watching the vice-presidential candidates debate in St.Louis between veteran politician Senator Joe Biden and national newcomer Governor Sarah Palin. The questions pitched by PBS Gwen Ifil was handled beautifully by both VP hopefuls. The Delaware senator was well versed, pointed, and clear on issues of climate control, terrorism, and Iraq. The Alaskan head of state showed her competent understanding on tax reform, oil drilling and East African affairs. Because of the clarity of Biden and Palin the conversation was much more enjoyable and precise than their respective running mates of Barack Obama and John McCain.

Immediately after the debate I paused and asked a simple question; "Who won the debate?" Well, the answer to the question was fuzzy and unclear. That is, the American public knew that Senator Biden is a brilliant, well informed and flipped debater. We expected him to do well or better yet--be Joe Biden. However, the majority of the 50 million viewers watched to see the newcomer--Sarah Palin. Hearing so much about her inexperience, issues challenged, and elementary understanding of foreign affairs people turned on their televisions to see Palin fall on her face.

Well, Palin did not fall nor slip up on any major issue. She proved that her pedigree was not of a stupid blond, trailer trash, or a beauty pageant bimbo. Instead, she illustrated that she was a quick reader, fast learner, well versed and a straight shooter. That is, she may not know the issues as well as Biden; but, she was willing to go toe to toe with her opponent on philosophical and administrative affairs.

Tonight, the country got a treat from two great Americans and good vice presidential candidates. In many ways Biden and Palin showed more similarities than differences. They are both from humble beginnings, isolated states that are often ignored from national discussions, and where long shots to be added to the presidential tickets of their parties. Really, the only thing that I can say, "Biden, Palin--Good Show Mates!"