Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kill Obama: Remember What Farrakhan Said in 1988?

Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam stated in 1988 that if anyone harmed presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, "he would be the last one you kill." Well, that statement created a firestorm of controversy and racial hostility. Farrakhan's generic threat may have been the case of selling wolf tickets as oppose to a response to an attack against Rev. Jackson. However, those words in 1988 is very real in reference to Senator Barack Obama.

It was reported last night that a group of white supremest was arrested on suspicion of plotting to assassinate Barack Obama. The police found boxes of ammunition, high powered rifles, bullet proof vest, disguises and walkie-talkies. One of the men confessed to Denver police that his colleagues talked about killing Obama because "we can't have a nigger in the White House."

Well, responsible citizens are happy that these racist nuts were apprehended. The fear, however, is that there are more crazies out to do harm to the Senator. If this, God forbids, happens the United States will see a civil war that will make the Summer of 1919 and the race wars of the 1960s look like Sunday School picnics. Let us not make Minister Farrakhan words prophetic. Let's protect all of our candidates and leaders. We are a nation of laws and rights; not one of hate and violence.

Strong, Brave and Consistent: Edward Kennedy

Despite brain cancer and a weaking body the 76 year old democratic icon excited the delegates in Denver by urging them to unite behind Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama so that "[we] can rise to our best ideals." Senator Kennedy, the last of the great Kennedy brothers that transformed 20th century politics illustrated the flair, savy, and dignity that made the Kennedy's one of the most powerful families in the world.

The 20,000 audience realized that they had witnessed a special moment and perhaps the last great presentation of Senator Kennedy's colorful career. In fact, listening to the elder statesmen one could not help but reflect on his brothers, President John Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy who ran for the Party's nomination in 1968. That is, both brothers, like Edward, carried a special swagger of Americanism that illustrated their soulful belief that Americans will always secure and carry the torch of liberty that defines the special nature and destiny of the United States of America.

What we saw Monday night was the passing of the torch to another generation and group of leaders. John Kennedy, the first Catholic to be elected as America's president, now--through his brother Edward, has endorsed Barack Obama, who npossibly may become the nation's first African-American president. Perhaps, it is not an accident that many see Senator Obama as the second coming of John Kennedy and Michelle as the new Jackie. If so, we may be witnessing a progressive rebirth of optimism and growth.

On a final note, if you're a supporter of John McCain, don't worry. Kennedy's rival--Richard Nixon came back to win the presidency and to ursher in a new wave of economic prosperity, international strength, and American pride. This too--may be the case of John McCain. Nonetheless, the early evening of Monday belong to Edward Kennedy--a symbol of strength, bravery and consistency; a Kennedy.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Obama--What a Woman!

I've just finished watching Mrs. Michelle Obama, wife of Senator-Presidential Candidate Barack Obama deliver the greatest presentation of her life to the Democratic National Convention. The lecture, filled with passion and love of her family and nation detailed her early background as a child living on the south side of Chicago. She shared with the thousands in attendance and the millions watching worldwide the struggles and hard work of a two parent working class family who held a commitment to God and a devotion to their nation that they will prepare their children to have faith and believe that all things are possible.

Holding these virtues Mrs. Obama reminded the audience that her family, like Barack's family in Hawaii and Kansas, and millions of families that dot the American landscape are true patriots who labor everyday to achieve the dreams and promises of Americana. Thus, like President Kennedy's remark over forty years ago, she is answering the question, "What can you do for America?" That is, we--Americans--will continue to hold the torch that in the United States a poor south side Chicago girl can go to college and one day address a national audience to support her husband, who was raised by a single mother, quest to become the first African-American president in the United States.

In this light Michelle also stated that we must look pass race as her husband does. He sees people and issues. He understands the feelings and struggles of the common man. He realizes that while the nation is the most diverse country in the world--it's people is connected to the same thread--Americanism. That red, white and blue line represents a people who long to be free, a people who are the vanguards of the oppressed, and a people who are not afraid to challenge the unknown. We, Americans, are family people who love our nation, God, and traditions. Regardless if you're a Democrat or Republican, Michelle laid it out tonight. What a woman!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Josephine Baker: One Sexy Spy

Famed African-American exotic dancer and entertainer Josephine Baker was a spy for the French resistance during World War II. Baker who grew up in poverty in St.Louis, Missouri gained famed for her dancing, acting, and singer during the Harlem Renaissance and Roaring Twenties. Her criticism of American segregation and discrimination made her one of the first major Black entertainers to take an aggressive stance against Jim Crow laws. Not afraid of being considered too radical or losing performance opportunities she refused to perform before segregated audiences.

In 1921 Baker played in "Shuffle Along," Broadway's first Black musical. Although she was an outstanding actor she became famous for her sexual and exotic dance called the "Black Venus." The original diva had men fainting and women envious with her semi-nude dance that featured a peek-a-boo grass skirt that left little for the imagination.

During the mid 1920s she left the United States for Europe where she became an instant star. Touring England, France, Spain, and Germany Europeans could not get enough of her. In fact, one of Baker's rejected European lovers committed suicide at her feet to show his love for the ebony dark goddess. In the 1930s she took a step forward to become involve in the war effort.

Hating racism and bigotry she joined the French Resistance against Germany. She traveled in and out of the Nazi state carrying messages that were written in invisible ink on sheet music. German officers, contrary to the Nazi Aryan beauty standard, where so captured by her Black beauty and blinded by Baker's stardom they never suspected that she was a spy.

After the War she traveled and performed in North West Africa and toured various ares in the Mediterranean. In her travels she adopted children that ultimately totalled eleven kids. Later during this period she returned to the United States to perform. But, America was not ready for a bold, and sexy Black lady who was an outspoken critic on Uncle Sam's race policies. Nonetheless, she remained in the United States and joined the Civil Rights Movement in 1948. Having a strange love-hate affair with the United States she left for Europe once more.

Her later years was extremely hard. She had health problems, two heart attacks, and fell into poverty. Many times she had to wear disguises as she begged in the streets to support her family. In the late 1960s and early 1970s she made a brief comeback in the theater. At this time though, many in America did not value her greatness nor legacy. Black militants ridiculed her because she did not endorse the Black Power Movement. In 1975 in April the bronze diva made her transition to the next life. Buried in Paris, France over twenty thousand fans said goodbye to one of the greatest entertainers and heroes of the twentieth century.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Red China's Pre-teen Team Wins Gold

One thing that you can bank on are tricks, lies and cheating from a communist nation. In the midst of a new found global love for China we have somehow forgotten or ignored the fact that they have created an unfair and unbalanced trade agreement between the USA and their nation; stolen technology from the United States; aligned with terrorist states like North Korea and hostile world leaders like Hugo Chavez who has promised to destroy "the American empire;" and have issued domestic rules to discriminate against African-Americans and other Blacks from certain venues during the Games. The point is, you cannot trust a "red" nation even at the Olympics.

Last night China's female gymnast team earned the gold medal over the United States and Russia. The girls, and I mean girls, that took the championship where children. Looking at these 75 pound individuals one cannot possibly believe that they met the legal age requirement of 16 years of age to participate in the Olympics. Indeed, female gymnast are small--but, 16 plus ladies are shaped, well, like women regardless of race, nationality or color. These girls, regardless of what their Chinese passport and birth certificate stated, looked like elementary school children.

But, why would the Chinese use girls to compete for the gold? Well, young kids do not view or feel the pressure. The activity is fun, cool, and exciting. Older athletes are aware of the pressure and the meaning of winning and losing in such high level competition. But, as I mentioned earlier--you cannot trust Red China.

China view this years Games as their coming out party to global society. It is a chance to show off their history, traditions, and "superior" advancements socially, economically, educationally and in sport. The games to the Chinese is a war between themselves as the West, i.e., the United States. Thus, they must win at all level by any means necessary.

To historically understand my argument review the Berlin Games and Hitler and the various sport wars between the United States and the former Soviet Union throughout the 1960s and 1970s. However, the real sadness goes to the pre-teenagers that China exploited for Olympic gold. These kids will not understand until years later how they were made pawns in their government's arrogance and drive to be recognized as a modern and powerful nation.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Isaac Hayes: One Cool Brother

The word on the street is that Barack Obama is the coolest dude on the scene. However, the Gold Medal for cool goes to the one and only Isaac Hayes. The Black Moses represented a breed of cool that combined Black pride, strong manhood, pan-Africanism, and soulful rhythms. Brother Hayes signified and illustrated a major truth that being Black and bold was not a bad thing.

Black Moses made his transition a couple of days ago. He will be missed for his music, movies but more so for his stands on cultural pluralism. That is, it is okay to be both an American and a Black man. I remember several years ago when I met Brother Hayes in Accra, Ghana--West Africa he stated that as an African-American he offers a special light and hope to the African world. Regardless, how we arrived in the United States, said Hayes, God granted us a special place to lead Africa from the bowels of third world existence to the status of being a global power. In this light he encouraged African-Americans to make pilgrimages to Ghana in the same manner how American Jews travel and study in Israel.

Thanks Brother Hayes for your talent, joy and inspiration that you gave us.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

China and The World: The Yanks are Coming

Every four years I gear up for The Olympics. I love to see the variety of games, the great athletes, and the nationalism that each player and team bring to the competition. But this year is different; I sense a special American swagger that has taken hold of our representatives.

It appears that Team America is carrying that special "thing" to show the world that while we are struggling with our economy, the War, and racial and age prejudice in our presidential election--don't dare think that we're a nation in decline. With current President Bush and Former President Bush along with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in attendance in China the world is on noticed that we're coming back with a vengeance.

The Games remind me of the Berlin Games that featured African-American Jesse Owens, the image of the USA, against Hitler's Nazi regime. At that time, we also was struggling with the economy, we were fearful or at least careful of a new German power, and lastly, we battled internally with issues of race and gender. Great Ohio State University sprinter Jesse Owens gave Americans the hope, aggression and swagger to conquer the evils that threatened to destroy our republic.

Well, the China Games features a reborn America that is being led by great American athletes. These men and women are showing like our outstanding military personnel that we are here to stay and no force, less than God, will destroy and change our wonderful culture. Again, watch out world--the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are back!

Run, John, Run

The movie "Forrest Gump" is one of the greatest and funniest films of all time. The character "Forrest" was a simple and soulful southerner who had an innocent and big heart. Having a youthful crush and later sexual fling with his bi-polar and drug addicted girlfriend, Jenny, he followed her advice to the letter when he was drafted by the military to serve in Vietnam. Jenny's statement to Forrest was simply, "Run, Forrest, Run." Hearing and reading about the recent events of former North Carolina Senator, John Edwards, I could not help but wonder did his mistress, Rielle Hunter, tell the politician that if he spots reporters from the "National Enquirer" to run. It might be the case.

On July 21st Senator Edward's arranged to meet Ms. Hunter and their love child in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. He took extra pains to use side doors, cargo elevators and a very low key status to meet with his second family. The "Enquirer" reported after several hours he attempted to leave his lady and child around 2:30 a.m. However, he met reporters and photographers as he attempted to depart from the hotel. In a mad dash he ran with reporters on his heels through fire escape stair cases, onto a cargo elevator, and lastly sprinted into a men's restroom while fighting with reporters to keep the door closed. The normally cool politician who sought the presidential nomination for the Democrats must have looked a sight.

Sadly, Edwards has joined the company of several of his colleagues who sold their careers for easy sex. They are Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick; former New Jersey Governor James McGreevey; former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, former U.S. President Bill Clinton; and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Run, John, Run--but this time to North Carolina and your family.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Terror is Alive and Well in the USA

It seems that many Americans has placed the evil acts of 9-11 on the shelf. Some of think that it was a conspiracy by our own government to kill over 3000 American and foreign nationals in New York City, Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania. Others argued that our aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan has isolated terrorist plots against the American homeland. And still a few maintain new laws and government agencies has reduced domestic terrorism. Regardless, of ones thoughts in the USA on this issue terrorism is alive and well.

Senator Joe Lieberman announced yesterday that six major terrorist threats had been discovered and thwarted. Some included American natives who had converted to Islam while others represented newer immigrants who had become naturalized American citizens. The plans ranged from attacking soft targets like churches and shopping malls to suicide assaults against American troops stationed overseas. The would be terrorist represented uneducated and educated, White, Latino and African-Americans, and rural and urban dweller. The point is, regardless what we do to educate people about the evils of terrorism domestic hatred towards our own government is here to stay.

But, we should not be surprised. In the past 20 years terrorist have worked hard to gain a foot hole in the United States. Groups like Hamas has influenced members of the Saudi monarch to support terrorist activities against the USA. In addition, many in the King's house has aligned with Latin American cartels in Columbia and Mexico to train Al-Queda in western thought and Spanish to help their merger into the United States. It has also been reported that these same individuals and groups pay cartels and international street syndicates like MS-13 $5,000 a head for coyote transport across the border. If this is not bad enough we have racist groups like the New Black Panther Party and Ku Klux Klan who has made overtures to Muslim terrorist as allies in their fight against Washington.

The sad part in this entire debate is that neither presidential candidates has taken the time and energy to discuss this vital issue at length. In fact, they have not even made a definitive statement of the two border agents who have been convicted and sentenced for the shooting of a drug runner and terrorist operative who attempted to cross the border illegally. Yes, terrorism is alive and well--ask Americans who live along the USA-Mexican border.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama's In The House--National Urban League

One day after Senator John McCain spoke at the National Urban League Convention in Orlando, Florida rival Senator Barack Obama came in on a caravan that would have put ancient Hannibal's elephant train crossing the Alps to shame. Lined with a motorcade that included local, state, and federal police, news reporters, and public historians the Obama train entered the Convention Center where he was met with an equally imposing mass setting of thousands of supporters 1/4 mile deep waiting to watch,listen and hail the Democratic presidential candidate.

The senator from Lincoln-land did not disappoint the audience. He attacked McCain on drilling for oil, education reform, the War, the environment and Paris-Obama racist political advertisement. However, he did surprise many when he duplicated some of the same stances as the GOP candidate. First, he maintained a conservative position on education, family, employment, and business development. Obama maintained that in each of these areas is the demand for personal accountability and responsibility. That is, one cannot expect the government to do everything--the people must do something themselves. He radically borrowed a page from republic conservative Booker T. Washington when he remarked, "why go to a restaurant when you can't afford the lunch?" And, "you can't worry about a neighborhood if you can't afford a house in that community." In essence, work hard, save, be thrifty and responsible.

Secondly, he co-signed McCain's thoughts on advancement in the military. The day before Senator McCain stated that equality within the military has demonstrated a better fit for non-whites than in the public sector. He mentioned the promotions and power position jobs that African-American hold in Uncle Sam's Army. The NUL audience soundly rejected the Senator's opinion. However, Obama stated that many Blacks hold important positions in the American military. He focused on the African-American three star general who is "really" overseeing "all" the operations in the Afghanistan War. The NUL leadership and its members became dead quiet when these words where spoken by the Senator.

Nonetheless, regardless of Obama's position and his gradual alignment to conservative principles he rocked the house. His style, Malcolm like speech, cool demeanor, and gracious confidents won over the crowd. It reminded me of Ronald Reagan. That is, it is not what he said that's important; but rather, how he said it. Out of all people--I even found myself tapping my feet to the Obama beat and train. At the end of the lecture I overheard someone saying "This is Obama's House." I don't know about that--but, I can say, that Saturday afternoon in Orlando belonged to Senator Barack Obama.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Urban League Treat McCain Rudely

A few days ago Senator John McCain spoke to the National Urban Leagues' convention in Orlando, Florida. The organization that dates back to 1910 when it was founded in New York City cites itself as a progressive movement that assist Blacks in making positive transitions to urban life. Under the leadership of great men like Whitney Young, Vernon Jordan and John Jacob the League surfaced as a hard hitting civil rights organization that practiced sound judgment, fiscal responsibility, and American virtues, honor, and moral respect throughout the 20th century. However, its trek into the 21st century under the leadership of former New Orleans mayor, Marc Morial, is an organization that lacks behavior decency and endorses crude and rude arrogance and hostility. Specifically, I am speaking of the John McCain talk last Friday.

Senator McCain, the Republican candidate will never be confused with presidential legend Ronald Reagan, who was called the "great communicator." However, he along with his delegation was worthy of respect that the Urban League did not grant. Of course, some readers would say--McCain has little respect for Black America. Regardless, the National Urban League from its beginnings focused on the promotion of Black sophistication and class. This upper lip manner has allowed a host of presidential candidates throughout the years to speak at forums like the NUL, the NAACP and the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Therefore, political ideology has never stopped us from being cordial. If so, Richard Nixon would never have spoken at any Black meetings.

First, the Executive Director--Marc Morial, did not recognize Florida's chief officer--Governor Charlie Crist and fellow Republican Micheal Steele, a Black and NUL member, who ran for the Governor's office in Virginia. But really, not to recognize the Governor of the State that is hosting your meeting is insulting and mean spirited.

Secondly, the questions that where fielded from the field in a town hall style was charged with accusations, attacks and insults. For example, a minister like character hollered, styled, and acted about the "green, yellow, white glass ceiling" that negates the rise of the Black intelligentsia and professional class. When the Senator attempted to answer the question, the polemic shouted that "you really don't understand" with an arrogant smirk. Another question came from a New Jersey female physician who voiced concern about the closing hospitals in her state and insurance problems that M.Ds face. Well, when McCain responded, she attempted to embarrass the Senator about his recent examination for skin cancer.

The issue is not about fair or hard questions. Indeed, difficult topics should be presented to individuals who are campaigning for the most important job in the world. But, it should be done with class. The Urban League is supposed to be, according to another questioner, the organization that houses the best minds in the Black world. But, on the day McCain spoke--brilliance did not show--but, rather hatred and arrogance.