Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Red China's Pre-teen Team Wins Gold

One thing that you can bank on are tricks, lies and cheating from a communist nation. In the midst of a new found global love for China we have somehow forgotten or ignored the fact that they have created an unfair and unbalanced trade agreement between the USA and their nation; stolen technology from the United States; aligned with terrorist states like North Korea and hostile world leaders like Hugo Chavez who has promised to destroy "the American empire;" and have issued domestic rules to discriminate against African-Americans and other Blacks from certain venues during the Games. The point is, you cannot trust a "red" nation even at the Olympics.

Last night China's female gymnast team earned the gold medal over the United States and Russia. The girls, and I mean girls, that took the championship where children. Looking at these 75 pound individuals one cannot possibly believe that they met the legal age requirement of 16 years of age to participate in the Olympics. Indeed, female gymnast are small--but, 16 plus ladies are shaped, well, like women regardless of race, nationality or color. These girls, regardless of what their Chinese passport and birth certificate stated, looked like elementary school children.

But, why would the Chinese use girls to compete for the gold? Well, young kids do not view or feel the pressure. The activity is fun, cool, and exciting. Older athletes are aware of the pressure and the meaning of winning and losing in such high level competition. But, as I mentioned earlier--you cannot trust Red China.

China view this years Games as their coming out party to global society. It is a chance to show off their history, traditions, and "superior" advancements socially, economically, educationally and in sport. The games to the Chinese is a war between themselves as the West, i.e., the United States. Thus, they must win at all level by any means necessary.

To historically understand my argument review the Berlin Games and Hitler and the various sport wars between the United States and the former Soviet Union throughout the 1960s and 1970s. However, the real sadness goes to the pre-teenagers that China exploited for Olympic gold. These kids will not understand until years later how they were made pawns in their government's arrogance and drive to be recognized as a modern and powerful nation.

1 comment:

ann m said...

I agree with you,Vibert. And let's not forget about the young lady with the beautiful voice who was not deemed cute enough the sing the Chinese national anthem, so she replaced with a cuter girl who lip synched the opening. The cuter girl became an overnight sensation, while the young lady with the talented voice went unnoticed. These are the children that will grow up to understand that they can't trust their government.