Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kill Obama: Remember What Farrakhan Said in 1988?

Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam stated in 1988 that if anyone harmed presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, "he would be the last one you kill." Well, that statement created a firestorm of controversy and racial hostility. Farrakhan's generic threat may have been the case of selling wolf tickets as oppose to a response to an attack against Rev. Jackson. However, those words in 1988 is very real in reference to Senator Barack Obama.

It was reported last night that a group of white supremest was arrested on suspicion of plotting to assassinate Barack Obama. The police found boxes of ammunition, high powered rifles, bullet proof vest, disguises and walkie-talkies. One of the men confessed to Denver police that his colleagues talked about killing Obama because "we can't have a nigger in the White House."

Well, responsible citizens are happy that these racist nuts were apprehended. The fear, however, is that there are more crazies out to do harm to the Senator. If this, God forbids, happens the United States will see a civil war that will make the Summer of 1919 and the race wars of the 1960s look like Sunday School picnics. Let us not make Minister Farrakhan words prophetic. Let's protect all of our candidates and leaders. We are a nation of laws and rights; not one of hate and violence.


JB said...

You wrote: "that statement created a firestorm of controversy and racial hostility. Farrakhan's generic threat.."

Farrakhan didn't "create a firestorm of controversy".. he was actually responding to multiple death threats against Rev. Jackson at the time.

Context should be the friend of history. Otherwise one may loose its meaning.

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

You are so right about conditions being favorable for a civil war. My husband and I have talked about it. We will lose all the gains we made in the middle of the last century if racism and hate are allowed to rear their ugly heads. I lived through it in the 60s and don't want to go through it again.

And of course, if anyone should understand Farrakhan, it would be you!