Saturday, June 28, 2008

Its High Noon--Bring Your Gun

I respect the United States Supreme Court as being an unbiased, neutral and the only truth teller among the federal branches of government. Historically the leadership on the Supreme Court has been pointed, precise and fair--regardless if they followed a constructionist view or not. But, last weeks ruling, June 26, 2008, endorsing the personal right to own guns in the nation's capital is sickening. Indeed, I understand the Second Amendment and the right to own and bear arms--but, in cities like Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Orlando, and Detroit to name a few, where our nation's youth are being murdered at an unprecedented rate we need to review our position and interpretation of the Amendment. It is apparent that the majority opinion did not look at the current social dynamics of gun control, murders, and 21st century concepts of community militias.

I have no problem with citizens owning hunting weapons. My issue is with the carta blanc of permitting people to own military type weapons, allowing people to conceal weapons, and even giving the right in some areas to openly carry weapons. What we are creating is a lawless state of cowboys.

Let's be a little more specific. I live in Orlando a city that is known for its beauty and Disney World activities. However, we are also known as America's most dangerous and meanest city. Everyday our police and media is reporting on two or three murders in the "city beautiful." One of the reasons is the unchecked control of guns. For instance, people are quick to flash their weapon at the smallest incident. I remember a few months ago my six year old son and I was driving on toll road 408 apparently, I did not change lanes fast enough for another driver. Well, he drove next to me yelling while flashing his handgun.

Guns not only cause ordinary people to act like Clyde Burrows and Al "Scareface" Capone; but, it empowers gangs and other criminals. For instance, the largest gang in the United States is MS-13. This criminal organization of thugs are filled with illegal Latino murderers from various nations in Central and South America and the Spanish Caribbean. Right now they number 100,000 members and are growing and becoming more violent each day. They openly target African-Americans, police, judges, politicians and critics. Federal opinions that allow for open ended gun laws that are based on 18th century doctrine of the Second Amendment grants greater power to criminal elements like MS-13. Ok, my critics argue that guns protect true law abiding citizens against gang thugs and criminals. Well, let's examine that briefly. How often do you hear of a citizens turning away MS-13 street thugs, Mafia hit men, or members of the Bloods and Crips? Very seldom, when it happens it is reported on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. Sadly, good citizens use handguns on other good citizens.

Lastly, the Supreme Court could have made a strong statement in favor of gun laws in Washington, D.C. Judges Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito shame on you! Your ruling will continue the blood bath that is engulfing the youth of our nation. It's back to the time of Billy the Kid and High Noon at the town's square. Don't forget to bring your gun.

President Bush--You've Been Punked!

One of the great historical characteristics of Republican presidents is their tough stand on security, institutional protection, and American strength on issues of foreign affairs. For instance, past Republican presidents like Lincoln, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and the first President Bush was always very clear on their position in dealing with international friends and enemies. Regardless, of what we may have thought of their policies they issued an argument that we will protect our interest and we will not be influenced, persuaded, or punked into another government's political framework. However, our current--once great leader, has turned the United States into a second tier power in his most recent deal with North Korea, a country he once called a member of the "axis of evil" nations (Iraq, Iran, Cuba, and North Korea).

Throughout the President's tenure he has talked tough to Iraq; however, he has spoken like a pussycat to China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and especially, to North Korea. For years despot leader Kim Jong-il has threatened the use of nuclear weapons against South Korea and Japan, ignored United Nation's orders to allow inspections of their nuclear plants, and has blackmailed the United States into giving food aid in exchange for their stoppage in the development of nuclear arms. It is clear that the North Koreans do not respect President Bush and the United States. Meaning--America is no more than a paper tiger that lacks influence and power.

Now, in the twilight hours of his presidency President Bush pushed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the lone star in the White House, to make a deal with the Koreans. The overt agreement is for Kim Jong-il to destroy one of the towers at their nuclear station in Yongbyon, North Korea in exchange for the Bush administration to remove North Korea from sanctions of the Trading With the Enemy Act, which dates back to World War I, that now leaves only Cuba on the list.

What does this mean? North Korea is now eligible for loans and grants from the World Bank with American support, international shipment of fuel and food to the terrorist state, and possibly the release of frozen assets in the United States. President Bush gleamed that it was a great agreement and North Korea is now becoming a responsible nation.

The leadership of North Korea has never acted in a responsible and just manner to its own citizens and the outside world. They have used threats and lies to manipulate the world community to get what they want. Sadly, this is another case.

President Bush failed to tell the American people that we--the United States--paid millions of dollars for the demolition of the plant and that we have already started the process in sending food and educational aid to North Korea. Well, it seems that if the bellicose and arrogant leadership of North Korea can spend time, energy and money in the development of weapons of mass destruction they can also find the funds needed to feed and educate their own people.

President Bush's deal is just another act that will historically cloud his presidency as being ineffective. He has allowed a backward, hostile, oppressive, and little nation to dictate policy to the United States. President Bush--you've been punked!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fight of the Century: Obama (Ali) vs. (Rocky) McCain

The 20th century was a wonderful era for boxing. It featured great champions and fighters like Jack Johnson, Max Baer, Joe Louis, Max Schmeling and wonderful fights like Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake LaMotta, Ali vs. Frazier, and Roberto Duran vs. Sugar Ray Leonard. Now, while the 21st century has failed to produced such great fighters and rivalries it has nonetheless given us two very interesting political pugilist--John "Rocky" McCain and Barack "Ali" Obama.

These two presidential candidates remind me of two very different boxers who disagree on every topic. They are like All-American Joe Louis vs. Nazi Max Schmeling, Panamanian Hands of Stone Duran vs. Silky Smooth Sugar Ray Leonard, and Smokin Joe Frazier vs. Fast Talking Muhammad Ali. They are opposite in every category. One is Black--the other is White; one's young--the other is old; one's tall--the other is short; one is good looking--the other, is not so good looking; and most importantly, one is running a traditional campaign while the other has developed an unconventional political machine.

Now, let's briefly introduced the two combatants. In this corner we have John McCain, a career politician who has tremendous influence on Capital Hill. He has introduced scores of bills and voted on hundreds that have become law. He is well respected among his peers and feared by his enemies. He is a loyal friend and associate. He is a fierce supporter for a strong military; but weak on immigration. His major flaw is that he sometimes forget detailed information, geography and sounds too much like President Bush. But, he is a solid performer and he can deliver a knockout punch.

In the opposite corner we have a national newcomer. A smooth talking Barack "Ali" Obama. While he new to the national scene he is a favorite showpiece in Illinois. In the state assembly he made friends with republican and democratic leaders in rural downstate Illinois. He made a reputation of being fair, honest, and efficient. He is also loyal to the party machine; however, he has given signs that he will challenge the Democratic traditional views on various topics. His major fault is that he sounds too much like Bad Girl Hillary Clinton. Plus, he's very weak on immigration, little experience on Capital Hill and on international issues. In addition, his association with "radical" clergymen keeps him as a target for his enemies. It also does not help when Hillary Clinton questioned his "political manhood." But, his sometimes weird political jerks and Chicago styled political movements throws off non-windy city conventional opponents. Many of his defeated adversaries are still asking, "who is this man named Obama?" Confusing his opponents with a grassroots political style is his major weapon. In boxing it's called, "taking or destroying your opponents will to fight."

The fight. You have a traditional politician who will throw conventional hooks and crosses that will challenge the opponents experience and will on issues of Iraq, Mideast politics, taxes, and free trade. Rocky McCain, if he finds an opening, he'll pressure Obama unmercifully looking for a knockout blow in the early to late rounds. He has a great corner, the Republican Machine, that is use to long hard fights. He does not mind taking a blow or two if it means getting one telling punch off on his own. His fight is to draw Obama into a series of town hall meetings. Exposing his soft belly of being a political rookie on national and international politics.

Obama "Ali" is indeed the crowd favorite. We can expect him to throw a series of fast blows and quick political moves to confuse the older and slower Rocky McCain. His organization is designed to blitz McCain in every state with a grassroots political machine that we have never seen in a presidential election. Obama "Ali" will hit him will constant jabs designed to force McCain onto the defense with his overwhelming support of President Bush. Obama is looking for a stoppage in the late rounds. His objective is to humble McCain and The Republican Machine.

The Outcome: It will be a tough fight that will cause both combatants to ask the question, "why did I ever get into this business?" Both corners will advise their fighters to hit below the belt, after the bell, and to destroy the character of their opponent. Yes, it will be an ugly and dirty fight. Expect race, age, and major dirty tricks to define this fight. Lastly, expect a decision once again from Florida, with Ohio being in the mix, to give us our next president.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

2008 Oil Crisis: Its Our Fault

Every day it appears that the price of gas is rising. We're at a rate of $4.00 a gallon for regular gas--a price that if someone had said that Americans would be paying that much for gas 24 months ago that person would have been Baker Acted. But, we are here. The only ones who could possibly be happy over the gas price are executives of oil companies, major oil investors, and overweight people. CEOs and oil investors are obvious crews who benefit from the oil crisis. On the other hand obese individuals are being forced to walk and bike more and eat less. Indeed, they are not complaining. But seriously, we are in a deep oil crisis that will make the 1973 and 1979 oil crisis look like a walk in the park. But all of this is our fault!

We need to stop the blaming game of pointing to Presidents Bush or Clinton and the Republicans and Democrats for our oil problem. The crisis originated from our arrogance and bull headed attitude that caused us to remain slaves to Mideastern oil nations and other Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)after the 1970s oil crisis. What happened? What did we do? Nothing!

Unlike other western nations who enacted policies to wean themselves off of OPEC oil the United States, that is, our elected leaders--remained silent and stubborn believing that they could force oil rich states to sell us oil at a cheap rate. However, nations like France, Germany and Brazil had other ideals. Brazil, especially, borrowed an American concept of developing bio-fuels that had been created in the 1920s by American car manufacturers; but not used on a grand scale. Well, the Brazilian leadership decided to tell Brazilian Ford, General Motors and Chrysler in the 1980s to build cars that can run on alcohol that is made from sugar cane. The Brazilian military government sold the ideal to the public as an issue of national security and nationalism. Now, Brazil is totally free of Arab oil. In fact, the government subsidized private oil company, Petro-Bras, has become the seventh largest oil company in the world by primarily selling their oil to Norte Americano gringos.

Now, we had options if we did not want to produce bio-fuels. One, we could have built more refineries. But we did not. We have not built a new refinery in our country since 1976. That means, if there is a run on the finding of new oil fields we are not capable for the rapid production of refined fuel for the American public. Secondly, we refused to drill off of our coast. There are scores of oil rich sites off the coast of Alaska and Florida, both in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, that we are not exploiting. However, our enemies and rivals are. For example, China, Russia and Cuba are drilling off the coast of Florida's Key West Islands. Brazil, which has found a mega oil source in the Atlantic are beginning to drill now in the Gulf of Mexico. What gives America?

Have we become so blind, stupid and crazy that we have lost our vision to live? Of course, it is chic for some Americans to brag about driving under the speed limit to save gas, walking and biking to work. But, this is the United States, the home of mega freeways, powerful and fast cars; not old China, the center of bike log jams. However, to keep from looking like the China of 1980, we must be bold and creative enough to tap into sources that we have now. I believe we can--I am not ready to give up my 300 horse powered Detroit made Pontiac. But most importantly--it is our fault. Let us find a solution.

Monday, June 16, 2008

One Nation, One Groove, One National Hymn

The past couple of weeks I have written about the current state of our nation in reference to politics, the economy, race, gender and the general attitude of the American people. I have concluded that we're a nation in transition. Sadly, the changing America is not one to be proud of. Our famed educational system, agricultural and industrial complexes, health care, highways and bridges, the American dollar and the strength of our reputation is in decline. Thus, in order to counter these changes and to reestablish American power and superiority we need a national hymn. That is, a common thought, feeling, a new sense of nationalism that can galvanize all sections of the American public. To understand the importance of a national hymn let us briefly look at two of America's greatest presidents--John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

At the end of World War II the United States was locked in a hostile ideological war with The Soviet Union. The two superpowers illustrated two polar opposites--democracy versus communism; freedom versus suppression; prosperity versus mediocrity; and the belief of a God versus atheism. The two powers literally divided the globe into two camps whereby the two powers fought proxy wars in South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In this mix of ideological warfare the Americans and the Soviets escalated the rhetoric in the creation of a Cold War.

The Cold War tested the American intellectual fortitude, social stamina, spiritual courage, and commitment to our way of life. In the 1940s and 1950s we, as Americans, where absolutely afraid of the Soviet Bear. We thought and believed that Communist spies and sympathizers had infiltrated our social, political and economic barriers. Many thought that it was just a matter of time that our way of life would fall to the Soviets. Former Kremlin leader Nikita Khrushchev, demonstrated our concerns when he stated in the United Nation assembly in 1956 while banging a shoe on a table and shouting to American delegates that "we [The Soviet Union] will bury you." By 1960 the United States needed a national hymn. The person to deliver that new song was John F. Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy won a hard fought presidential campaign against rival Richard M. Nixon, who later would become an American president. Kennedy, the young socialite; but, brilliant and energetic leader, took the oath of office on January 20, 1961 becoming the nation's first Roman Catholic president. In his first lecture to the American people he reflected on the needs and the strengths of our citizens. In this review he challenged us with a new hymn with the words, "ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." These simple words inspired us to overcome our fears, revisit the greatness of our nation, created a new sense of nationalism and to excel in all areas of pursuit to conquer and destroy all vestiges of Soviet control. President Kennedy's challenge inspired us to win the space race--landing the first man-made spacecraft on the moon, establishing the strongest military power on earth, and giving Americans a quality of life that was light years ahead of the lifestyle of citizens living in rival nations.

In 1981 another great American became president--former movie star Ronald Reagan. Reagan, the polemic and showman, became our new leader after four years of Jimmy Carter who was rocked by the Iranian student hostage incident. Iran embarrassed and crippled the United States as they allowed militant university students to storm the American embassy and take hostages. Carter, a dove on the military question did not know what to do in the face of having American citizens blindfolded and marched disgracefully on international television. However, Ronald Reagan did.

President Reagan believed in a strong military that must be utilized as a deterrent against terrorist organizations and hostile nations. However, he saw the the Soviet Union as a major force in the growth international terrorism and American enemies. Thus, his cause was to destroy the "evil empire." In 1987 in Germany President Reagan got the chance to openly challenge the Soviet's system and ideology that could possibly reduce the threat of future anti-American hostilities. In a wonderful and classic speech that sent excitement and chills through the veins of the most ardent Reagan critic, the President said: "General Secretary Milk ail Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberation: come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

President Reagan's comments gave new life, confidence and strength to Americans. The Reagan Revolution that it became known as, sparked a belief and a swagger that Americans are special and that they are driven by a special calling to lead the world to a better existence. Like Cotton Mather, who saw this new society [America] as a beacon, a city upon a hill; Reagan saw the United States as a divine country powered by God to protect and liberate states and nations from tyranny and oppression. Regardless, if you believed in Reagan's mission, he nonetheless, made Americans feel safe, proud and strong.

Today, we need a hymn, one like Kennedy's or Reagan's which can spark Americans to realize their great potential and their destiny as the leaders of the world. We need our next president--Obama, McCain, or Nader to understand that they must create a hymn that is loud, strong, and great that will unify our citizens. We need that president to excite and groove to a tune that will illustrate our love to the world; but also, our toughness to confront any enemy, domestic or foreign, that threatens our existence. We need a leader that illustrates our willingness to bargain while letting the world know that we're not afraid to stand alone. Lastly, we need a leader to show that we are not a shame to be called Americans, because that name stands for liberty, justice and equality. We need a national hymn!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Fathers Day: My Daddy and All Dads

In 19 39 E. Franklin Frazier in his book, "The Negro Family in the United States," and years later in 1965 in Senator Daniel P. Moynihan's "Report" on the State of the Black Family both authors argued that the survival and strength of the African-American family rest with the leadership of the father and that the positive male image is missing in the nuclear family structure. Sadly, our society has fallen into the belief that Black fathers are missing in the protection, nurturing, and growth of their families. We have come to attack and stereotype fathers as sperm throwers, wife beaters, and children haters. However, there are millions of good African-American fathers in this nation. One of these fathers is my own daddy.

Like millions of people in the United States my father is an immigrant. He first entered America from Costa Rica as an illegal visitor. However, loving the dreams that he had for the nation he voluntarily left the United States returning to Limon, Costa Rica to apply legally to re-enter the USA. In his return he drove taxi es in New York, hustled clothing, attended City College in New York, while raising four children and caring for my mother. In addition to these pressures he had to deal with White racism and native African-American ignorance of Afro-Latino culture. That is, he looked like he was from any Black community in the United States; but, sounded like Ricardo on the famed "I Love Lucy" show. In spite of these hurdles he later attended three more colleges ultimately earning a doctorate degree in theology and building a chain of religious supply stores. But, in that period between entry into the United States and business success my father experienced the hazards of being a Black male in the United States.

What are these hazards? Being denied loans, housing, employment due to your race. Being stopped and harassed by bigoted police because of their misuse of law. Having ignorant Whites taking the liberty to refer to you as boy because they feel empowered to due so because of their race. Being referred to as an "uppity" or "full of it" because of one's community status or accomplishments. Or, having extra-legal racist groups like the Ku Klux Klan burn a cross on your front lawn and threatening to murder your entire family. These are just a fraction of the things my father faced as the leader of our home.

However, in spite of these activities he never illustrated a sense of hopelessness and victim hood. He found a way to survive and protect his family. In times of little money, we never went without shelter, clothing, or food. In times when my sisters and myself experienced blatant racism at school he demanded and got changes for African-American students. In a period that showcased African-Americans as clowns, and buffoons my father taught us about the great civilizations of the Egyptians, the Sudanese, and Maroon societies in America. In an era that reasoned that Blacks had no religious culture and history before Christianity and Islam my father taught us never to forget about African religious traditions that are practiced not only in Africa; but also, in Brazil, Costa Rica, Columbia, Haiti, Jamaica, and even in the United States.

My father, Dr. Vibert White, Sr., represented the best of manhood. However, he was not alone. There are millions like my father. I can only hope and pray that I am half the father to my children as my daddy and his peers are to their offspring. This Sunday celebrate with your father or community daddy. Show them the love, respect, and honor that are deprived to them daily. Remind America--there are more good Black dads than bad ones. Again, happy Father's Day--Daddy and to all the real American fathers.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Smiling Faces--Sometimes Lie

A few hours ago I watched Senator Hillary Clinton's endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic Presidential nomination. In my observation, I could not help but reflect on her orchestrated tears before the New Hampshire primary and her "misspoken" words of dodging bullets in Bosnia. And sadly, I had to ask, can we really trust this woman? In my question I remembered a song from one of the great groups of the 1970s, Undisputed Truth. In that great era of soul music they released a giant hit song entitled, "Smiling Faces Sometimes." The lyrics tells the listener to be careful of the words that you hear from alleged friends in a revealing line that says, "Remember a smile is just a frown turned upside down."Now, this brings us back to Hillary.

Senator Clinton has carried on one of the dirtiest presidential campaigns in recent history. She has attacked him personally, attempted to create an atmosphere for his assassination, played the race card, and presented herself in a manner that suggest if Obama is the Democratic nominee she would rather see Republican John McCain as the next president of the United States. Therefore, in her endorsement of Obama can we take her words as being truthful.

Indeed, her supporters would argue that of course Hillary is a truthful broker, look she said, her campaign and backers will take their energy, passion and "do all [they] can to help elect Barack Obama." But, in that announcement and suspension of her campaign she has refused to release her delegates while bullying Obama to pay off her $30 million campaign debt and naming her as the vice-presidential candidate. Well, if a person is that hostile, arrogant and rude who took days to offer a simple congratulation to Obama for the win--again, can you trust her smile and words?

Let's take another step. In the "suspension" of her presidential run Senator Clinton argued that she lost to Senator Obama because she is a woman. Specifically, she said--"we [woman] were not able to shatter this highest, hardest glass ceiling this time." Minorities and most other Americans understand that this is a line in reference to institutional racism and sexism. Instead, of acknowledging that she was out campaigned, out smarted, and out worked. She seemed to forget that she was the favorite for the nomination. Now, for her to act like a female victim is a blatant lie. Even when President Bill "Player" Clinton had sex in the Oval Office with Monica "I Never Had Sex With" Lewinski, then--first lady Hillary Clinton, never cried victim and female oppression.

In light of these reservations--can any of us, regardless of political affiliation, really trust Hillary Clinton? The answer is no. Republicans knew of her deceit for years. Democrats have found out about it the hard way. Therefore, in dealing with Hillary remember Undisputed Truth, "smiling faces sometimes tells lies."

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Economy: It's Getting Worst

While we read headlines about the presidential candidates, the war in Iraq, and immigration reform--the country is heading for the worst recession since the early 1980s. The confidence of consumers are at a low point. Individuals are concerned not only about saving their homes from foreclosures and vehicles from repossessions; but simply saving their jobs to feed their families. In May of 2008 49,000 Americans lost their jobs. The recorded unemployment rate shot up to 9% nationally and that does not include the millions of Americans who have simply given up looking for work. To put it another way--the permanent unemployed, along with ethnic communities like Hispanics and African-Americans the jobless rate is well over 15%. Thus, between 9 to 15 million Americans are now out of work.

If this is not bad enough the cost for a barrel of oil now is $140.00 and it is predicted that by July 4th the cost will be over $150.00. That means, the cost of a gallon of regular gas will be approximately $4.50. The increase in gas will impact on the cost of food, clothing, furniture, and every item that you purchase or need. Now, while this is happening it must be mentioned that there is stagnation in the United States. That means the cost of living is going up while salaries remain the same. In another way, your dollar does not buy as much as it did last year. For instance, the average consumer pays 33% more for the same amount of groceries they purchased 12 months ago.

The dollar is very weak now. The currency of some developing nations like Brazil is now equal to the American dollar. The greenback buys very little today in world society. At one time the dollar was gold in the world, every one wanted the American dollar. Now, the currency of choice is the European Euro. Which means world travelers, especially Europeans and Asians, can visit the United States and purchase items that most Americans can only dream about. Sadly, this means that our economic system is quickly becoming a second or third tier world system.

Economist argue that it may take years for us to reverse the downward spiral of the American economy. If this is the case expect the cutting of public services like fire prevention, police protection, the closing of schools, the reduction of public health facilities, and the closing of community shops and stores. Sadly, as this occurs we will see the rise of crime that is now taking its toll on previously prosperous cities such as Orlando, Denver, and Cincinnati. For instance, the rise in bank robberies, burglaries, the stealing of ATM machines along with grocery store shoplifting has increase greatly throughout the nation in the past few months.

On a final note, this is not to time to purchase high price items like automobiles, flat screen televisions, bling-bling jewelry and rims. Rather, save your money, buy discount, and do everything in your power to keep your job.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Obama or McCain: The Dilemma of Black Republicans

Contrary to common belief there are thousands of proud Black Republicans in the United States. Many of them come from families with Republican roots that originate back to the Reconstruction Period. Others are newer members of the Republican Party who believe in the overall political objectives of the GOP. Nonetheless, regardless how long they have been Republicans, it is a fact, that they are as committed and loyal to their party as Black Democrats are to their political association. But, even more importantly, Black Republicans are ethnic Americans first. That is, as African-Americans they understand the racial history of our nation, felt its bite, and has struggled to eradicate the evils of the legacies of slavery and segregation. Black Republicans, contrary to handful of reactionary "Negroes," understand the thoughts and feelings of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Father Joseph Pleiffer, as well as the historical importance of Marcus Garvey, Queen Mother Moore, and Malcolm X. The point, is that they are Black first before any political designation.

As stated earlier, African-American Republicans are loyal to their party. For instance, as the general population and the Democrats attack President George W. Bush as being a terrible president Black Republicans view him in the positive. They point to his reaching out to them when he was running for office, his high level appointments of African-Americans to federal offices, the amount of financial aid given to African and Caribbean nations, and making it easier for many African-Americans to purchase their first homes during his tenure. Throughout his two presidential runs he constantly told his campaign staff to reach out to Black America; advertise in the Black media, hire Black consultants, and meet with Black ministers and activist. However, while he reached out in his campaign; Senator John McCain has done little to show Black Republicans that they are valued.

Now, since Senator McCain, has thus far, ignored Black Republicans--he is pushing them to their natural base of race solidarity. That is, not to say--if McCain did more, Black Republicans would support him. But rather, he is turning them into Obama Republicans.

Quietly, Black Republicans admire Senator Obama. They love his persona, image, and the stance that he has taken in being a strong and confident Black male. They love Obama's way in the same manner that Black Democrats love General Colin Powell, a man of dignity, strength and courage. In light of these factors, Black Republicans are in a dilemma.

The problem is, if McCain calls for high level Black Republicans and grass root members of the GOP to support his presidential run--can they do it in good faith? Are they willing to go against a potential historical movement that will define Black America in the 21st century? Will they stand with certain white and Latino Republican leaders as they throw personal attacks at Senator Obama? Or, will they openly support a Democratic Black presidential candidate?

The answer may be none of the above. Instead, they may decide to ride the Obama wave to spearhead an Obama like movement within the GOP. But, whatever Black Republicans decide to do they are in a real dilemma.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh, What a Night--Obama Beats Clinton

Tonight I can't stop singing that great Four Seasons hit, "Oh, What a Night." It is a great feeling, regardless of political ideology and party affiliation to see America's first non-white in the general presidential election. Thus, a hearty congratulations to Senator Obama in winning the Democrats Primary. But, in reality we should congratulate the great state of American democracy. In spite of signs of racism, bigotry, and general hostility to a minority candidate--Obama's win illustrated to us and the world that we have again elevated ourselves a notch higher than other western and industrial nations. It stated, regardless of our history of slavery, segregation and race riots--we will continue to fight against our negative urges for total inclusion in American society, regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, color or nationality. To illustrate the power of this event minority populations throughout the world will say in the morning--"let's copy the Americans, let's run a Jew in Russia, an Indian in England, a Nigerian in France, a Native American in Columbia, and an Afro-Brazilian in Brazil."

"Oh, what a night." Even Obama's Republican opponent, John McCain, congratulated the Illinois senator and welcomed him to the race. But the leaders that I am hearing who are rejoicing are as follows: Jefferson Franklin Long of Georgia, Black man elected from Georgia to the U.S. Congress in 1870; Henry McNeal Turner, an A.M.E. Bishop, state representative in Georgia during Reconstruction who got out the Black republican vote; Dr. Helen Edmonds of North Carolina, who became the first Black and women to second the nomination of a major candidate at the Party's National Convention when she supported Dwight Eisenhower in 1953; Jesse Jackson Democratic primary candidate, 1984 & 1988; Alan Keyes Republican primary candidate, 2004 & 2008; Al Sharpton who fought for the Democrats nod in 2004; and of course Martin Luther King, who prayed for a colorblind society where one would be judged by their character and not by the color of their skin. The point is that these people among others laid the political groundwork for Senator Obama.

The only negative about tonight's historical event is that Senator Hillary Clinton refuses to concede. But, as my mother always said, "one monkey is not going to stop the show!" Good job--Obama! Good Job--Democracy! Good job--America! Oh, what a night!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Race Matters--Especially In Politics

At the turn of the 20th century American scholar and intellectual, W.E.B. Du Bois stated, "that the problem of the 20th century would be the colorline." In 1994 Harvard University professor Cornel West wrote Race Matters. He reviewed the social political dynamics of race relationships in late 20th century thought. However, neither Du Bois or West envisioned a presidential season as the 2008 primary that featured the Mod Squad, a white man (McCain), white woman (Clinton), and an African-American (Obama). Interesting, this political mod squad has brought out the very best and worst in American racial attitude.

The elements of the 2008 primary is that it encouraged millions of Americans to engage in the democractic electorial process. It showed that whites in states like Iowa could look past race and color to vote for a candidate that best represented their interest. It also illustrated the progress of American woman in having one of their own mount a serious challenge for the White House. The sadness of the campaign is that it illustrated American zenophobia, religious bigotry, sexism and racism.

The first sign of American fear or zenophobia showed its ugly face when Obama went into New Hampshere after a primary win. Senator Hillary Clinton, back on her heels and desperately in need of a win used female sexism to forge a win. That is, how can anyone forget her theater-like tears in preaching her love for the United States? The act is one we all have seen when some women are in a corner and in search of sympathy or in Hillary's case--a sympathy vote.

The second line of thought was the promotion of American fear. This case was illustrated by my friend, Bill Cunningham, the radio host of the "Big Show" that is featured on 700 WLW Cincinnati. Cunningham, an entertainer with a keen eye for the political flair was featured as the warm up speaker for candidate John McCain. Cunningham, always controversial went too much over the top when he kept calling Senator Obama by his full name--Barrack Hussein Obama. The reference was to mideastern Islamic terrorist, and the candidates early education in an Muslim school. He also made reference to Obama as a student of the old Mayor Daley political machine that was known for its heavy handed manner in controlling the political and economic forces of Chicago by calling him a "hack." Bill "Full Force" Cunningham used these terms in an attempt to frighten voters away from Obama. The tactic was not much better than Griffen's early 20th century film, "Birth of a Nation;" a movie that featured Black politicians in the Reconstruction Period raping white women, eating watermelon in the Senate, and passing racial laws that gave Blacks complete control over white Americans. In conclusion, the KKK was organized to save the country. Credit to Senator McCain, who was not entertained by Cunningham, harshly repudiated the langauge and the message and offered an apology to Senator Obama.

The third line is the fact that Obama and McCain has been forced to take responsibility for religious leaders who have endorsed them. For example, Pastor John Hagee--who called the Catholic Church a "great whore," and a "false cult system," aligned himself with McCain that caused the candidate to denounce one of the most powerful ministers in the United States. Senator Obama was forced to separate himself from former pastor Jeremiah Wright who cited the U.S. government for the causes of the 9-11 attack and a host of other crimes against humanity. The issue is that evangelicals--like Hagee and theologians of Black Liberation Theology feel victimized. Thus, their words can be explosive and racial if taken out of context. But, the generic thought from critics, especially towards Obama, is that his religious ideas are connected to Wright's thoughts who will negatively influence the Black president. The same story was told of former president John Kennedy that he would be an agent for the Catholic Pope of Rome. All of this are fear tactics.

In light of all of this is the greatest culprit--racism. Of course, there were expected signs of people not wanting to vote for Obama because of his race. But, none of us could have predicted Senator Clinton using the race card by illustrating the issue that he can't be elected because he is a Black man. In some ways, Father Michael Pfleger of Chicago's St. Sabina Catholic Church was right--that Hillary thinks that she is entitled to be the democratic candidate because of her race. But another racial factor was the Latino vote.

Both McCain and Clinton understands that American Latinos do not generally vote for Black candidates. The Puerto Rican primary reflected the mainland Hispanics attitude who gave their vote to Clinton. It should also be noted, that the majority of American Latinos are culturally and socially conservatives regardless of party affiliation. Still yet, sadly--they are very anti-Black. One of the reasons for their racism is due to segregatory practices in their native nations and territories, the history of slavery throughout the Americas and the fact that Obama is the only candidate to recognize the hardship and the polorization of Afro-Latinos in the United States and abroad. The point, is that he is recognizing the bigotry that Blacks in Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Columbia to name a few suffer from the white Latino power class.

The issue, is that race has played a role in this primary season like no other primary in our history. It has clouded real topics that are important to the nation. And again, it has placed the United States and our brand of democracy in the center of world discussion and thought. Sadly--race still matters in the United States.