Saturday, June 28, 2008

President Bush--You've Been Punked!

One of the great historical characteristics of Republican presidents is their tough stand on security, institutional protection, and American strength on issues of foreign affairs. For instance, past Republican presidents like Lincoln, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and the first President Bush was always very clear on their position in dealing with international friends and enemies. Regardless, of what we may have thought of their policies they issued an argument that we will protect our interest and we will not be influenced, persuaded, or punked into another government's political framework. However, our current--once great leader, has turned the United States into a second tier power in his most recent deal with North Korea, a country he once called a member of the "axis of evil" nations (Iraq, Iran, Cuba, and North Korea).

Throughout the President's tenure he has talked tough to Iraq; however, he has spoken like a pussycat to China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and especially, to North Korea. For years despot leader Kim Jong-il has threatened the use of nuclear weapons against South Korea and Japan, ignored United Nation's orders to allow inspections of their nuclear plants, and has blackmailed the United States into giving food aid in exchange for their stoppage in the development of nuclear arms. It is clear that the North Koreans do not respect President Bush and the United States. Meaning--America is no more than a paper tiger that lacks influence and power.

Now, in the twilight hours of his presidency President Bush pushed Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the lone star in the White House, to make a deal with the Koreans. The overt agreement is for Kim Jong-il to destroy one of the towers at their nuclear station in Yongbyon, North Korea in exchange for the Bush administration to remove North Korea from sanctions of the Trading With the Enemy Act, which dates back to World War I, that now leaves only Cuba on the list.

What does this mean? North Korea is now eligible for loans and grants from the World Bank with American support, international shipment of fuel and food to the terrorist state, and possibly the release of frozen assets in the United States. President Bush gleamed that it was a great agreement and North Korea is now becoming a responsible nation.

The leadership of North Korea has never acted in a responsible and just manner to its own citizens and the outside world. They have used threats and lies to manipulate the world community to get what they want. Sadly, this is another case.

President Bush failed to tell the American people that we--the United States--paid millions of dollars for the demolition of the plant and that we have already started the process in sending food and educational aid to North Korea. Well, it seems that if the bellicose and arrogant leadership of North Korea can spend time, energy and money in the development of weapons of mass destruction they can also find the funds needed to feed and educate their own people.

President Bush's deal is just another act that will historically cloud his presidency as being ineffective. He has allowed a backward, hostile, oppressive, and little nation to dictate policy to the United States. President Bush--you've been punked!

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