Saturday, June 28, 2008

Its High Noon--Bring Your Gun

I respect the United States Supreme Court as being an unbiased, neutral and the only truth teller among the federal branches of government. Historically the leadership on the Supreme Court has been pointed, precise and fair--regardless if they followed a constructionist view or not. But, last weeks ruling, June 26, 2008, endorsing the personal right to own guns in the nation's capital is sickening. Indeed, I understand the Second Amendment and the right to own and bear arms--but, in cities like Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Orlando, and Detroit to name a few, where our nation's youth are being murdered at an unprecedented rate we need to review our position and interpretation of the Amendment. It is apparent that the majority opinion did not look at the current social dynamics of gun control, murders, and 21st century concepts of community militias.

I have no problem with citizens owning hunting weapons. My issue is with the carta blanc of permitting people to own military type weapons, allowing people to conceal weapons, and even giving the right in some areas to openly carry weapons. What we are creating is a lawless state of cowboys.

Let's be a little more specific. I live in Orlando a city that is known for its beauty and Disney World activities. However, we are also known as America's most dangerous and meanest city. Everyday our police and media is reporting on two or three murders in the "city beautiful." One of the reasons is the unchecked control of guns. For instance, people are quick to flash their weapon at the smallest incident. I remember a few months ago my six year old son and I was driving on toll road 408 apparently, I did not change lanes fast enough for another driver. Well, he drove next to me yelling while flashing his handgun.

Guns not only cause ordinary people to act like Clyde Burrows and Al "Scareface" Capone; but, it empowers gangs and other criminals. For instance, the largest gang in the United States is MS-13. This criminal organization of thugs are filled with illegal Latino murderers from various nations in Central and South America and the Spanish Caribbean. Right now they number 100,000 members and are growing and becoming more violent each day. They openly target African-Americans, police, judges, politicians and critics. Federal opinions that allow for open ended gun laws that are based on 18th century doctrine of the Second Amendment grants greater power to criminal elements like MS-13. Ok, my critics argue that guns protect true law abiding citizens against gang thugs and criminals. Well, let's examine that briefly. How often do you hear of a citizens turning away MS-13 street thugs, Mafia hit men, or members of the Bloods and Crips? Very seldom, when it happens it is reported on Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. Sadly, good citizens use handguns on other good citizens.

Lastly, the Supreme Court could have made a strong statement in favor of gun laws in Washington, D.C. Judges Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito shame on you! Your ruling will continue the blood bath that is engulfing the youth of our nation. It's back to the time of Billy the Kid and High Noon at the town's square. Don't forget to bring your gun.

1 comment:

ann m said...

My dear Vibert,
I know that you pin some of the responsiblity of the misuse of guns on the lack of governmental controls, but there is more at work here. The break down of the nuclear family, the proliferation of violence on television and in video games and the general decline of society all play a role in this. Great societies have fallen all through history. Unless Americans wake up and take their country back, the United States will fall, too.
Take care, my friend.