Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fight of the Century: Obama (Ali) vs. (Rocky) McCain

The 20th century was a wonderful era for boxing. It featured great champions and fighters like Jack Johnson, Max Baer, Joe Louis, Max Schmeling and wonderful fights like Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake LaMotta, Ali vs. Frazier, and Roberto Duran vs. Sugar Ray Leonard. Now, while the 21st century has failed to produced such great fighters and rivalries it has nonetheless given us two very interesting political pugilist--John "Rocky" McCain and Barack "Ali" Obama.

These two presidential candidates remind me of two very different boxers who disagree on every topic. They are like All-American Joe Louis vs. Nazi Max Schmeling, Panamanian Hands of Stone Duran vs. Silky Smooth Sugar Ray Leonard, and Smokin Joe Frazier vs. Fast Talking Muhammad Ali. They are opposite in every category. One is Black--the other is White; one's young--the other is old; one's tall--the other is short; one is good looking--the other, is not so good looking; and most importantly, one is running a traditional campaign while the other has developed an unconventional political machine.

Now, let's briefly introduced the two combatants. In this corner we have John McCain, a career politician who has tremendous influence on Capital Hill. He has introduced scores of bills and voted on hundreds that have become law. He is well respected among his peers and feared by his enemies. He is a loyal friend and associate. He is a fierce supporter for a strong military; but weak on immigration. His major flaw is that he sometimes forget detailed information, geography and sounds too much like President Bush. But, he is a solid performer and he can deliver a knockout punch.

In the opposite corner we have a national newcomer. A smooth talking Barack "Ali" Obama. While he new to the national scene he is a favorite showpiece in Illinois. In the state assembly he made friends with republican and democratic leaders in rural downstate Illinois. He made a reputation of being fair, honest, and efficient. He is also loyal to the party machine; however, he has given signs that he will challenge the Democratic traditional views on various topics. His major fault is that he sounds too much like Bad Girl Hillary Clinton. Plus, he's very weak on immigration, little experience on Capital Hill and on international issues. In addition, his association with "radical" clergymen keeps him as a target for his enemies. It also does not help when Hillary Clinton questioned his "political manhood." But, his sometimes weird political jerks and Chicago styled political movements throws off non-windy city conventional opponents. Many of his defeated adversaries are still asking, "who is this man named Obama?" Confusing his opponents with a grassroots political style is his major weapon. In boxing it's called, "taking or destroying your opponents will to fight."

The fight. You have a traditional politician who will throw conventional hooks and crosses that will challenge the opponents experience and will on issues of Iraq, Mideast politics, taxes, and free trade. Rocky McCain, if he finds an opening, he'll pressure Obama unmercifully looking for a knockout blow in the early to late rounds. He has a great corner, the Republican Machine, that is use to long hard fights. He does not mind taking a blow or two if it means getting one telling punch off on his own. His fight is to draw Obama into a series of town hall meetings. Exposing his soft belly of being a political rookie on national and international politics.

Obama "Ali" is indeed the crowd favorite. We can expect him to throw a series of fast blows and quick political moves to confuse the older and slower Rocky McCain. His organization is designed to blitz McCain in every state with a grassroots political machine that we have never seen in a presidential election. Obama "Ali" will hit him will constant jabs designed to force McCain onto the defense with his overwhelming support of President Bush. Obama is looking for a stoppage in the late rounds. His objective is to humble McCain and The Republican Machine.

The Outcome: It will be a tough fight that will cause both combatants to ask the question, "why did I ever get into this business?" Both corners will advise their fighters to hit below the belt, after the bell, and to destroy the character of their opponent. Yes, it will be an ugly and dirty fight. Expect race, age, and major dirty tricks to define this fight. Lastly, expect a decision once again from Florida, with Ohio being in the mix, to give us our next president.

1 comment:

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

I prefer experience any day, especially in these trying times. Senator McCain is a war hero. He is shown that he is able to encourage Democrats and Republicans to work together to get things done. Obama has very little experience. He might be a viable candidate in the future, but he is not what we need now. Let's see what the rest of your readers think.