Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another Tell All Book

We just love tell all books. We can't help looking for that secretive and special information that conforms to our thoughts about a person, place or institution. Manuscripts such as Malcolm X's, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Barbara Walter's, Audition: A Memoir, and my own Inside the Nation of Islam were successful sellers because they brought readers into a formally closed world that now has become exposed like the mytical story of the King who rode naked on a horse through the village square thinking that he was wearing a beautiful robe. But, while we love to read the inside track of controversy there has not been such hoopla in recent memory about a manuscript in the manner as Scott McClellan's What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception has produced. McClellan's book that is scheduled to be release in the first week of June has already reached the top of the New York Times bestseller's list.
What is the reason for its popularity? Why are people charging their credit cards on Amazon. com to purchase this book? Sadly, the storyline is that President Bush is the person that people love to hate. Throughout his tenure as president he has been mocked as an idiot, buffoon, liar and blood thirsty warmonger. He is blamed for the high price of oil, foreclosures, the recession, global warming, hurricane Katrina, industrial outsourcing, and probably for the earthquake in China. Therefore, anyone and everyone who has a beef with Bush and who reads McClellan's What Happened, will surely remark in a four word sentence, "I told you so," that Bush is a bad and incompetent president. However, we must ask, what motivated McClellan to write the manuscript? Many conservative thinkers and Bush backers maintain that he wrote for money. Others argue that he decided to leap from a sinking ship to save himself. Still others pen that the author's views are wrong and misleading; implying that McClellan is going through an emotional meltdown.
The former White House Press Secretary simply responded to such criticism as an attempt to nullify his words as he has exchanged his clothe of loyalty to President Bush for the "loyalty to the truth." Regardless, of the location of the truth in relationship to President Bush and Mr. McClellan, it is certain that this read is going to add more flavor to an already juicy political year. However, before we judge McClellan as a truth teller or cheap opportunist--let's read the book. Look for my book review on What Happened in the next few days.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obama and Castro: Its an Illinois Thing

A few days ago former president of Cuba, Fidel Castro, denounced Obama's plan to continue the American embargo against the island republic. Obama maintained that substantial changes on human rights, and the resurfacing of democratic rule must be in placed before the United States considers the removal of economic sanctions. Castro responded, the continued American policy hurts Cubans; but, conceded that Obama's idea of easing travel restrictions to Cuba was a step in the right direction.
Obama's views on Cuba is not just political; but also, humanist. Following the great Illinoian Abraham Lincoln who used politics and war to eradicate the social-economic desease of slavery Obama is logically reviewing a policy that is not only harmful to Cubans; but also, to Americans. The Senator represents the largest exporters of soybeans in the world--Illinios farmers. These farmers, like producers of beef, pork, and chickens are competing head-to-head with Brazilian farmers. Both nations realize, especially in the soybean trade, that new markets are vital to their economy. Now, comes Cuba. Cuba wants soybeans, a crop that can't be grown in the Caribbean. The use of the crop is multi-facit; from human consumption, to feeding of lifestock, to the making of bio-fuel. In essence, it is a cheap high yield protein crop that can benefit Cuba and ease the economic suffering of American farmers and support base industries.
In 1999 Republican governor--George Ryan, in which I laid the foundation, led a 45 member delegation to Cuba to meet with President Fidel Castro on issues of farm and pharmaceutical trade. Ryan became the first sitting U.S. governor to travel to Cuba since the 1959 Cuban revolution. He stated that the trip was designed to "build bridges and exchange ideas." Quoting Abraham Lincoln, Governor Ryan stated, "The probability that we may fail in the struggle should not deter us from support of a cause that we believe to be just." That is, humanity is greater than the interest of short minded politicians. While Ryan's delegation did not conclude with the normalization of relations; it did end on a positive note by bringing a severly sick Cuban youngster back to the United States for treatment at the University of North Carolina Medical Center. But, the basic issue is that the United States trade with China, Russia, North Korea (food not to expand nuclear weapons), and Saudi Arabia--nations that have notorious human rights records. If we can trade with these nations to feed their hungry; we should be able to trade with Cuba, a nation that is tied to the history and growth of the United States.
Now, does this mean that Obama, if he becomes the president of the U.S. will he be soft on Cuba? Of course not. But it does mean that he will review current policies towards the Castro government and make informed decisions. Contrary to other candidates who will wholesale follow blindly a 48 year old Kennedy Cuban policy of isolationism. The Obama Cuban policy is not rooted in partisan thought; but rather the political-historical legacy of Illinoian statesmen who valued humanity more than politics.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

V.P. Candidate Should Be A Female: But Not Hillary

For the past few weeks echoes have been heard within the Democratic Party that Hillary should be on the Obama ticket as the vice president candidate. However, with the recent bigoted comments by Senator Clinton that Obama could be assassinated like frontrunner Robert Kennedy in the 1968 Democratic primary any hope of a dream ticket was dashed. But, really even without her explosive language of an untimely death of Senator Obama--she could not possibly be on the ticket. First--she brings the baggage of Bill, the former president with her. Secondly, Michelle Obama passionately dislikes Hillary. In fact, if Senator Obama decided to name Hillary as a running mate the Chicago Southside in Michelle would come. She'll give both Barack and Hillary a beat down while calling the latter an "old heffer." But, the lady that should be on any ticket is Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
Condoleeza Rice is the lone star in the Bush White House. Her intellectual talents, political smarts, and her cool manners has brought success to many areas in foriegn affairs. She is well respected and most importantly, an honest broker. For instance, she argued against President Bush and many conservative thinkers that race "does play a role in diversity" in education. In addition, when Senator Obama and wife, Michelle, was being attack for not being patriotic Americans. Rice, fired to their defense that African-Americans are historically the most loyal citizens in the United States. Adding, " . . .I would like understood as a Black American is that Black Americans loved and had faith in this country even when this country didn't love and have faith in them--and that's our legacy." It should also be noted that Rice, raised in Alabama, was a childhood playmate of one of the girls who was killed in a church bombing inacted by the KKK.
Therefore, ladies and feminist of the National Organization of Women who endorsed Hillary and lambasted Edward Kennedy for his support of Obama. If you really want a powerbroker at the upper levels of government support Condoleeza. A women who could bring youth, excitment and sense to a struggling McCain campaign and a person you will not have to worry about having a mate that like cigars and cheap women.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Death of the Middle Class

For a time the United States was the cradle of the middle-class; the group that kept the American economy moving. Now, this special and important class is on the verge of extinction. Today middle-class Americans are losing their jobs, homes and way of life. In fact, they are the fastest growing group towards homelessness. The impact of outsourcing, a non-productive society, the oil crisis, and a changing economy our nation is rapidly becoming a society of the affluent and the poor. For instance, take Florida. The sunshine state has a very limited blue-collar industrial base. The primary source of industrialism is tourism that creates only a service structure economy. That is, work in hotels, entertainment, and fast food enterprises. Workers in this field are underpaid, exploited, and misused. The limited middle-class person who losses their job must fall into a service end job that cannot keep pace with a middle class lifestyle. Thus, that middle class person eventually becomes a member of the permanent underclass. Sadly, this is not only the case in Florida; but, throughout the nation. The importance of the middle-class is that this is the group that creates the jobs, enterprises, and hope. They are the ones who attend colleges and universities that generate the blood and the upliftment of Americana. If the middle-class continues to evaporate the America that we love will become a distant memory.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Its Your Nation

The recent economic problems coupled with the Iraqi-American War, the declining educational system, increased crime, the immigration problem and even the natural disasters that has swept the nation has caused many Americans, foreign nationals, theologians and social scientist to argue that the United States is a power in decline. But, I'll like to remind them that the United States is the greatest nation with the best citizens on earth. We have the energy, brains, and the courage to right the wrongs that we have produced. Therefore, in light of these gigantic problems that confront us as a people and nation; let's follow such great American leaders like Benjamin Banneker, Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Shomburg, Mary Bethune, Eleanor Roosevelt, Helen Edmonds, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan to name a few to fortify our base to eradicate these problems. Therefore, it is extremely vital as Americans, White, Black, Brown and Yellow, that we're one people with one destiny. Indeed, It is your nation.