Sunday, August 10, 2008

Run, John, Run

The movie "Forrest Gump" is one of the greatest and funniest films of all time. The character "Forrest" was a simple and soulful southerner who had an innocent and big heart. Having a youthful crush and later sexual fling with his bi-polar and drug addicted girlfriend, Jenny, he followed her advice to the letter when he was drafted by the military to serve in Vietnam. Jenny's statement to Forrest was simply, "Run, Forrest, Run." Hearing and reading about the recent events of former North Carolina Senator, John Edwards, I could not help but wonder did his mistress, Rielle Hunter, tell the politician that if he spots reporters from the "National Enquirer" to run. It might be the case.

On July 21st Senator Edward's arranged to meet Ms. Hunter and their love child in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. He took extra pains to use side doors, cargo elevators and a very low key status to meet with his second family. The "Enquirer" reported after several hours he attempted to leave his lady and child around 2:30 a.m. However, he met reporters and photographers as he attempted to depart from the hotel. In a mad dash he ran with reporters on his heels through fire escape stair cases, onto a cargo elevator, and lastly sprinted into a men's restroom while fighting with reporters to keep the door closed. The normally cool politician who sought the presidential nomination for the Democrats must have looked a sight.

Sadly, Edwards has joined the company of several of his colleagues who sold their careers for easy sex. They are Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick; former New Jersey Governor James McGreevey; former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, former U.S. President Bill Clinton; and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Run, John, Run--but this time to North Carolina and your family.

1 comment:

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

That was funny, wasn't it? It's too bad that his sick wife couldn't fulfill his needs. It all came out in the wash, though.