Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tony Snow: One Class Act

Today we buried a great American. A man who inspired, informed and held an unbending swagger on core issues of God, nation, morality, and conservatism. The person I am writing about is Tony Snow who fought a great fight against colon cancer; but ultimately lost to that unmerciful killer.

I met Tony Snow a few years ago when he hosted a conservative talk show on Fox. He informed me that he had read my book, "Inside the Nation of Islam," and that it was an important manuscript that should be brought to the attention of the American public. Shortly after our conversation his show booked me for an interview.

What I most remembered about the show was that Tony Snow was a cool, smart fellow who presented pointed and tough questions. That is, regardless of your political views, status or persona he saw his job as being a tough interviewer so that the television audience could get the most out of the topic and the guest.

For instance, before being named as the White House Press Secretary in April 2006, he gave the Bush administration pure hell. He critiqued, exposed contradictions, and constantly backed White House leaders into a corner where they were forced to explain their positions. He did the same with me, Malik Shabazz (Head of the New Black Panther Party), and Democrats. Friends and foe received the same treatment.

It is painful to see decent people make the ultimate transition in the prime of their life. But sometimes it is God's way of telling them and us that they have fought the good fight and heaven is pleased with their effort. Tony, you are a class act that will be missed. However, I am sure that you're lining up interviews with Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad. Until we meet again--my friend, stay the course.

1 comment:

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

I'm glad you had the opportunity to meet Mr. Snow. We have lost a great commentator and person.