Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pickens Is Talking the Right Talk

The United States is handcuffed by international oil companies and nations. Our citizens for the first time in history are choosing between buying gas or medicine, food, and shelter. It is time that we find a real solution to our energy problem.

T. Boone Pickens, the billionaire oil man from Texas has found a way to change our culture of dependency on international oil. He argues that we must begin to use other sources for energy. His thesis rest on the fact that the United States imports over 70% of its oil that comes to $300 million yearly. His strategy is that we tap into wind power. But, while we explore and develop this source we must continue to dig for more oil supplies, build nuclear energy plants, and explore and produce bio-fuels.

Mr. Pickens is a true patriot who's only objective is to make the United States independent again. He is a friend of both President George Bush and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. He is pleading with the leaders of both the Republicans and Democrats to stop the childish partisan fight and begin to solve the energy problem that is destroying our nation.

T. Boone Picken's has the right plan and the right talk. For greater clarification on his radically new plan visit


ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

I, too, think we need to find alternatives to foreign oil. By purchasing oil from other countries, we support their politics and views on human rights.

While I think we need to explore bio-fuels and solar, we have vast oil fields in North Dakota, Alaska and off the coast of Florida that could and should be tapped.

The only problem I have with wind power is that millions of migrating song birds each could be killed by the blades. Right now, many wind fields are subject to that carnage. Some people might think that this is a price we must pay, but birds are an important part of the environment. Many are important to pollination, spreading of seeds and pest control. If wind fields could be built with the safety of the birds in mind, I would be all for it.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

To elaborate on Ann's comment, it is important to find alternative energy sources. However wind power has some serious drawbacks that need to be researched more comprehensively. The effect on birds has been addressed by the altering of the blade speed so birds can actually perceive the blades and avoid them. However the blades still pose a threat to bats which are an integral part in the ecosystem. In Virginia wind farms are already used and the toll on bats has been heavy (

Another problem that must be succumbed is that of storage, as of right now energy produced from wind power can not be stored- it must be connected directly to the main power grid. This presents problems.

Wind farms may be a part of a solution, but their effects on the environment are largely unexplored. I applaud Pickens fro attempting to find a solution but I think he needs to tread more carefully due to these, and many more, unknown factors that may cause a whole new host of problems.