Monday, September 29, 2008

What? No Deal!

Unemployment is rising, banks are closing, families are becoming homeless, and credit is now becoming something of the past and the United States House of Representatives rejects the economic bail out plan. What in God's name is going on? Well, the same old blame game.

Nancy Pelosi--on the verge of getting the votes needed to endorse the plan could not hold back her hatred, and disrespect of President Bush. In a childish outburst at a press conference she blamed Bush for the Wall Street economic meltdown while bragging about the strength of the President Clinton administration in handling the economy. Well, even if it was true, and it was not, all the House Speaker had to do was to keep her mouth shut. Her statements did not add anything good to the discussion. In fact, it polarized potential supporters of the bill.

Pelosi's friend, Barney Frank arguing that Pelosi's statements where innocent and that Republicans who did not support the bail-out had thin skin and joked that he would personally stroke their ego to get the bill through the House. However, he forgot to say that 9 members of his Finance Committee--Democrats, voted against the bail-out.

Republicans blamed the Democrats in trying to push a socialist program down the throats of the American people. In addition, they stated that the American people did not want a bail-out. What is the truth?

The story is that both, the Republicans and Democrats, defeated the proposal promoted by President Bush. For instance, 2/3rd of the Republicans voted against the measure while 40% of the Democrats refuse to sign off on the draft. In other words 95 Democrats voted against it. Sadly, a number of House members refused to support anything that is promoted by the Bush White House. But, like it or not, Bush truly understand that there is a real problem--one that only the federal government can eradicate. For Bush to call for federal aid--he must surely see a problem because he hates government interaction in business affairs.

Because of Nancy "I can't shut up" Pelosi and the thin skinned "sissy" Republicans the American public is unsure of their economic future. The inactivity of the two parties is continuing the double-digit unemployment rate, the record foreclosure rate, gas lines in Atlanta and the rapid destruction of the American way of life. That is, did these people see or realized that the Dow Jones dipped 700 points today?

Our so called Representatives illustrated today that they are spineless, single minded, arrogant buffoons that care nothing for the common man and woman of America. Instead of working for the growth, strength and dignity of the good citizens of the nation they would rather point fingers and play the blaming game.

Most of my friends, associates and neighbors where shocked that nothing was done. Specifically, they responded like this: "What? No Deal! What idiots!

1 comment:

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert!

Why can't our congressman play nice? Now is not the time for partisanship. We pay our elected officials to do a job and I think it's time for them to do it. If I didn't show up for work, or bad-mouthed my boss, I would get fired. If our congressman can't do their job, it's time to fire them. And we can do it with our votes.