Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Nation's Broke!

The housing market is in shambles, unemployment is up, repossessions are at an all time high, foreclosures is now too common, the American currency is at an embarrassing low rate and Wall Street is melting like butter on a hot day. What does it mean? Simply, the nation is broke. So broke that we're borrowing money from communist China for our domestic and international needs.

The great United States is rapidly crumbling before our eyes. Less than forty years ago we were the envy of the world. We produced and manufactured everything that we needed. Our industrial might, due to the outstanding American worker, along with our working infrastructure and military strength created a society that everyone wanted to emulate. But, in that desire to be like America, outsiders along with foolish social-political leaders, argued that we must share our good fortune, give greater aid and support to the world, allow American goods to be produce by benign people in the third world. Well, what did it get us? Unemployment due to outsourcing; inferior products--see China; tainted food--viva Mexico; and debt--Americans can't purchase anything unless we use that satanic thing called credit.

What we need now are American leaders who's willing to put Americans first! We need a Congress, an Executive Officer who is not moved by every little negative statement that is made by foreign leaders. We need leaders who have the guts to make hard decisions and is dedicated in making the United States again, the greatest nation on earth. We need a leaders who will say the hell with the outside--that is, we'll dig where we want in the Gulf of Mexico or in any ocean on earth, build a wall along the southern border is we want, and pull our support from your nation if you don't like our policy. Yes--we need that! Don't say its a republican or democratic thing. It is an American problem that must be cured by Americans. There are so many great Americans of the past, male and female, Black, White, Yellow and Brown who cared and put America first. Individuals like Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and the first President Bush who did not give a pig's eye what the world said. They followed their passion and love for the American people to do the right thing. Citizens such as A. Philip Randolph, Mary Bethune, Charles Houston and Thurgood Marshall while they were active on the domestic and social front their policies always rested on what was good for the common American.

The point is--regardless of the political bent the majority of our American leaders of the past had they never punked America to the world. The common line that connected Adam Clayton Powell, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon is that they were clear that the interest of the American people will always be paramount in their policies.

Therefore, if we are going to get out of this economic mess and establish a real change in Washington we must elect real true blood common Americans who love this nation more than life itself. We must fire the parasites in Washington who have the nerve to call themselves congress people and senators. And, we must stop the worshipping of presidential candidates to ask real tough questions to both would be presidents. If we fail to do the things that I mentioned--be prepared to live in a third world country with citizens who are unemployed, uneducated and broke!

1 comment:

ann m said...

Hi, Vibert.

We need to go back to the conservative values that have served us so well in the past. The current failings of banks and other financial institutions was caused mainly by the disastrous policy of providing sub-prime loans to anyone who asked for one. The current Congress has not been willing to curb the policies of these companies and now the taxpayers must bear the weight.

My company, which is a brokerage firm, did not do sub-prime lending and has a strenous approval process for those who want a mortgage or other type of loan. Because of our conservative practices, which some have criticized in the past, we are in excellent financial shape.

If we do not return to our roots, we are destined to fail. If that happens, I don't even want to think about it. We are not Democrats or Republicans, we are Americans and it's time for us to act like it!